HADES Gameplay Let’s Play | Battle Through The Underworld
▶Get Hades: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145360/Hades/
About the game: “Defy the god of the dead as you hack and slash out of the Underworld in this rogue-like dungeon crawler from the creators of Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre.”
0:00 – intro
0:32 – cutscene
1:34 – gameplay start
4:56 – skeleton bomb enemies… ouch
7:40 – i have 6 hp
10:57 – back in my room, powering up
11:51 – unlocking a weapon
12:35 – a new run
17:31 – saying hello to aphrodite
23:01 – this is a familiar sight (6 hp)
24:42 – it’s a BOSS FIGHT
Disclaimer: I was not paid or sponsored to create this video. I bought the game.
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Hope you'll enjoy this gem to its fullest. What a fun game this was to play 🙂
Make sure to interact with the characters, especially when you see the exclamation point. You get to experience more of the writing and more interaction means they will give you better stuff later. You can also pet Cereberus, which is of course incredibly important for… um… gameplay purposes.
This game is amazing and you should play it more!
I wish you would interact with everyone and read out their dialogue, obviously the ones they don't speak themselves, and help us viewers truly experience the game instead of skipping through it. If not I can't say I personally will be prone to continue watching as the dialogue of this game is one of the main reasons the game is as popular as it is. -edited to clarify a point
This game is a masterpiece
Beautiful art
This game is Absolutely amazing! Great gameplay fantastic story and a absolute banger of a soundtrack! Would love to see more. This game is definitely in my top 5 of all time.
This game has great writing and a lot of voice lines that come up thanks to very specific circumstances where other games would just handwaved things or left silence in their place. Combine that with solid gameplay, great music and awesome graphics and you have a stellar game where you are mostly stuck in a place where you will never see the stars.
I'd love to see a series on this honestly. Maybe a first clear and then if you'll do more I'll definitely watch 😍