Hades II – King Vermin

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Composed by Darren Korb.

Hades II is a trademark of Supergiant Games, LLC. The soundtrack is Ā© 2024 Supergiant Games, LLC. All rights reserved.


48 thoughts on “Hades II – King Vermin”

  1. this is my favorite track of the OST, so Groovy and Bombastic, I feel a tasty energy from this, specially the begging and the end, with that smooth middle section to break it up and slowly bring it back… SWEEET

  2. When I first encountered the King Vermin I said "Holy sh*t this bgm is an absolute banger I've to listen this don't kill me early please ", but this little rat caused a little trouble so I just paused the game and listened this masterpiece peacefully on the pause menu(also pause menu deep background sound effect is amazing) then faced my destiny and immediately came here to taste more of this masterpiece šŸ˜‚

  3. We technically don't know what the other two familiar for the other two spots in the training room are so it's entirely possible at some point we get a crawler as one


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