It seems Hades is lurking in Kingdom Heart 4″s reveal trailer…but what does it mean? We explore and speculate on the plot for Sora, Goofy, Donald, and more!
Video by TJ Lackings:
Thumbnail by Tom Arnold:
cant wait for the fanbase to hype up another game only for it to be a massive dissapointment.
All I want to know is if sora has trained with the Jedi yet?
The movement looks amazing
I wonder what new Disney worlds could be in here if any. My fingers are crossed for a Zootopia world.
Considering Tartarus has multiple territories one being the realm of heroes and Elysian fields. it's likely either hades has access to the over worlds/omm iverse/god spheres seeing has how approached or Auron and Zak despite them being dead in the final fantasy afterlife.
If Hades is back, then… (gasps) Maleficent and Pete would return in "Kingdom Hearts 4", as well! But I still don't want Kairi to return.
Sorry non Kingdom Hearts fan who's curious with this stuff. What's about Hades in this game?
I wonder if this game will come out anytime soon
Since Goofy and Donald question the helpfulness of the person they're after, it's clearly not Sora or Riku they're looking for but someone who might help them in their search/travel
It's starting to feel like the reason Quadradum is considered an "afterworld" is the actual real-world form of the original characters in KH when they "die". Think of it as if they've been playing a game in a fantasy world between Disney and FF. But once they "die" in the fiction world, they return to the real world so to speak. Which would make sense of why Sora's whole look is different and why Yozora truly didn't notice him (I mean yeah we all assumed this…but to see it is amazing). I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a real-world Xehanort and Equraris here as well. I'm still curious about the MoM's role though. His observation in this trailer makes it feel like he's been waiting for a long time to get Sora here in this particular place.
As for Donald and Goofy, It does feel obvious they're looking for someone in the underworld…but for some reason, I just don't think they expected to run into Hades (or at least they were hoping to avoid him). I was thinking either:
1. They were searching either Zack, or Cloud, but most likely Auron (considering Auron is officially known to be dead in KH, it would make more sense). Unrelated, but part of me would love to see it be another OG FF character that died.
2. They pulled a classic KH move and landed in the wrong area and were supposed to ask Herc and Zeus first. Considering their one pint short of a full hero, it would only make sense to bring a "true hero" to the underworld! (okay stopping the KH puns now lol).
I'm just stoked about Kingdom Hearts 4 will be available in the future. 🤯
Guys it’s obviously Mario questioning Donald and Goofy on how they got in to Smash Bros.
My thought was that maybe we get split gameplay with Sora on one hand and Donald & Goofy exploring Disney worlds with death themes (Coco, Hades underworld, maybe Soul) looking for Sora
Guess Donald andGoofy went to Hades because he is ruler of the deaths and thought maybe he knows if Sora is dead or not and maybe that he knows where Sora could be
Ah yes hades, Ryuk's cousin
Huh… it could mean the long awaited world Olympus is finally coming. I got one am so excited for it we’ve never seen anything like this not once at all oooooo I’m so excited
Honestly was caught off guard by it, i am hoping it doesn’t take another 10 years to come out
This game seems to have a huge connection with death, Hades is the God of death(for Disney's Hercules), of course Donald and Goofy would ask him.
My main thought was: He's still fighting "Obelisk the Tormentor"?
I have no hope of it coming to switch let alone a navite port
Actually square enix did this like a week ago during a Japanese exclusive where have you guys been. Anyways just a friendly reminder that kingdom hearts 3 was announced in June 2013 and didn’t release until January 2019. 6 years at least this is a good sign it won’t be that long but our ever changing world might beg to differ
Yeah I think James Woods is coming back for this one.
Here are some Disney franchises I hope to get the Kingdom Hearts treatment:
-Robin Hood
-Finding Nemo
-The Muppets
-Darkwing Duck
-The Simpsons
-Roger Rabbit
-Kim Possible
-Phineas & Ferb
-Dinosaurs (1991)
-Brave Little Toaster
well, Sora kinda died in KH3 so they are looking for Hades' help just like what he did for Auron in KH2
This means Square Enix just really likes Olympus Coliseum
Let's hope for a Homer Simpson Summon that strangles an Enemy. Oh and Peter Griffin of cause.
Hades means we're still not rid of James Woods. He has a sweetheart deal with Disney.
I mean I don't care, I never played the series though might be interested after I got into Final Fantasy couple years ago, but don't they usually have like 10 games between the actual numbered ones?
Maybe it would mean James Woods will reprise his role.
There another very important detail in the trailer. In the trailer the shadow specifically attacked a red car, it could have been any car but the specifically emphasize the red car which could mean only one thing… Lighting McQueen confirmed for KH4 let's go!!!
their afterlife is our world? sora got ripped off
going to be like 2030 before we play this 🤣
Fun Fact: James Woods (The English/movie voice actor for Hades) loved playing the character so much that he not only said it was his favorite role, but he kept coming back to voice him in things like the TV series and the english versions of Kingdom Hearts. 🙂
Not only is it very obvious it's Hades thanks to the visual queues, it's confirmed it's his Japanese VA and the info on the scene flatout confirms they're in the Underworld "looking for Sora's clues".
I don't think it needed an analysis like it was something hard to grasp near-immediately.
Nomura really likes him. But, I'm surprised that gaming channels aren't talking about the forest in the trailer being Endor. You can see the foot of an AT-ST AKA a "chicken legs" walker for a split second in the forest shot.
I'm pretty sure it's Hades and Donald and Goofy will probably make their way to Quadratum. Now if they will return to the normal KH realm… that's a question we'll have to wait and see.
I don't think it's Hades because why tsetse him when he's been show many KH games before
Nomura must really love Hades. I think he's appeared in every game so far.
Kingdom hearts 4 Is the new project I’m helping square ENEX make this is a big honor for me
Can't wait for this game to release over ten years from now and not live up to the hype in the slightest.
If that was Hades, and the girl mentioned this being some sort of an after life, chances are Sora died at the end of KH3