HADES IS HERE??? | Horizon Zero Dawn Part 19 |

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27 thoughts on “HADES IS HERE??? | Horizon Zero Dawn Part 19 |”

  1. It's still so cute to see you get triggered when you can't hit the underside of a Sawtooth. If only The Sun Queen had a weapon that would make this so much easier hmmm. Also just FYI but hitting weak spots isn't required to kill enemies. Especially if these weak spots are hard to reach.

  2. This reminds me of Bring It On. “I don't want it now.” “No, it's okay. The Spirit Stick doesn't lose anything. The person who drops it, however, goes to Hades!” 👱‍♀️

  3. The snowy area up on the map is the Dlc frozen wild's . I think you are to weak for this. You should be at least be level 50 , better you are doing this after finishing the campaign. I don't want to spoiler but you will get an upgrade for your spear at the end of the game. DLC is really great but I would wait for this.

  4. The bushes are "fake" when an enemy is alerted to your presence. If an enemy icon goes red, you need to change location, even if you kill them. Other enemies will know where you were hiding.
    It's kind of a broken mechanic when you're out of line of site of enemies, but game is gonna game. 🤷‍♂️

  5. Great video Sun Queen!!! You were a regular Hawkeye in this one, blind firing through leaves and bushes😯 I realize you are most likely moving to Forbidden West after this but with all this machine-ness, have you ever played Detroit Become Human? I'd recommend it…maybe on YouTube😁

  6. They are not Fake Bushes, If you attack from the bushes, And someone is watching when the target dies, It counts as they see you. You have to make sure there are no witnesses to the kill.
    Remember that.
    No Witnesses!


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