Hades' Misguidance: Season 3, Episode 2 – Inkling, Daisy & Ridley

Hades and the cast of Kid Icarus Uprising get together for the renewal of Hades’ Misguidance with a third season! The crew are all celebrating with a little party, however, they got one big surprising waiting for them during all the festivities. Meanwhile, the cast first talk about the Inklings from Splatoon, Daisy from Super Mario Bros. and Ridley from the Metroid series.

Season 3 of Hades’ Misguidance aims to cover all the newcomers and returning fighters featured in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Be sure to like and subscribe if you wanna see more episodes! Leave a comment below in the video and tell us what you’re excited about in the newest season of Hades’ Misguidance, a spin-off series based off Palutena’s Guidance.

Watch Hades and the Kid Icarus cast meet Joker & the Phantom Thieves:
The complete series of Hades’ Misguidance:
Palutena’s Guidance – DLC fighters from Super Smash Bros Ultimate:
Check out the Skyward Sword HD dub:

@Alex Rochon as Hades
@philsterman10 as Pit
@Allen The Ultimate Gamer as Dark Pit
Hannah Hellwig as Palutena
@Isabelle Amponin as Viridi
@Zillah as Magnus
@MinyBeats VA as Phosphora
@DTylerFultzVA as Arlon
Katlyn Dannes as Medusa

Alexander Trevino – Director, Video Editor, Writer
HalgoniaKen – Video Editor, Graphics
Conner Brownlee – Graphics
Nico Vliek – Logo Design, Sprite Artwork
Jory Johnson – Writer
Rin Taggart – Writer

Credit to TheSpritersResource for sprite rips of the Kid Icarus cast

#SmashBros #PalutenasGuidance #NintendoSwitch


26 thoughts on “Hades' Misguidance: Season 3, Episode 2 – Inkling, Daisy & Ridley”

  1. Hades: Mentions different kinds of ridiculous symptoms about Inkling's Final Smash
    Pit: Hey! Keep it E for Everyone!
    Seto Kaiba: Isn't Smash Ultimate E 10+? I better not tell that to that dork angel.

  2. Considering that this channel is LITERALLY called Zelda Universe, I think it's fair that Palu—coughs—Hades and the others discuss the Zelda characters and their fabulous new looks (for Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf anyway)

  3. So, it's Katlyn Dannes did the Voice Acting of Medusa! She's Absolutely Fantastic! Can't wait to see more of her as Medusa this year in 2022, in Hades' Misguidance Season 3 Episodes!

  4. Pit (after Hades flees and Medusa goes off for Vengeance): Something tells me things are going to be… chaotic…
    Me (remembering the Chaos Kin and its soul stealing hook/tail): Well Shit… so the Chaos Kin is back on it’s bullshit, is hungry for godlike souls (again) … So it decided to “steal” a bunch of weaker souls and revive Hades & Medusa in weaker forms/copies in order to kill them and eat the souls left in the aftermath’s wake. Oh yeah, it’s all coming together now… Palutena, Pit & Dark Pit, are all bout to get some Chaos induced PTSD in the future!


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