From the video description, it sounds like a way to humble Greek Gods. Obsessive level of efforts for some trophy while small talks helps go miles in life.
I'm very uncomfortable Ares is so freaking thisty with mom, buuuuuuut I guess I can't stop them ;-; He'll one day appear at the House and say "call me "dad", Zagreus"
my next storylist (fanfic)would be : Achilles and Megaera (first glance he said 'Mistress') Nyx and Ares, Nyx and Athena (Athena is just Ares with braincell, and why Ares has that white mask all around his eyes and head)
Fun fact: There were technically 2 Aphrodites, #1 Heavenly Aphrodite Urania – mother of the Titan Uranos and older version of Aphrodite, the goddess of purer, family and friends type of love, #2 Earthly Aphrodite Pandemos – daughter of Zeus and Dione, the Goddes of sexual love. Later on, they were mashed together into a singular being, but became mostly Eathly love version, while Hera got the Family part.
A bit disappointed they didn't put a mention of this in the game, but oh well.
Still loving the creative ways Zag dies haha. Thanks for always uploading, makes my day!
is it possible to get max bond bouldy?
I’m not sure how I feel about Night Mom and Murder Cousin… “corresponding”.
Ares really is thirsting for Night Mom HARD
Zag is trying to protect his other mom Nyx. Its so wholesome.
Bouldy best character in the game
Hades is not keen on Step-Dad Ares
From the video description, it sounds like a way to humble Greek Gods. Obsessive level of efforts for some trophy while small talks helps go miles in life.
I'm very uncomfortable Ares is so freaking thisty with mom, buuuuuuut I guess I can't stop them ;-;
He'll one day appear at the House and say "call me "dad", Zagreus"
I guess i can Ship Hypnos and Dusa
God of Blood I guess
I like using Bouldy on Furies, there is something poetic about it, especially to finish them off. Poetic and Stylish.
Did nyx make a pun here?
Ares: "Correspondence"
Ares in reality: Love letters to my crush.
The title of death is “idea”dose this mean he just dies out of nowhere
Idk how this cracked me up. Maybe it's because it's usually Hades' serious scolding hours but it just says "D O G"
I love bouldy man.
Ares stay the fuck away from my first mom
“ Can you repeat on what you said”
Me: 1:36
I like how she’s just so hurt about getting hit with bouldy
my next storylist (fanfic)would be :
Achilles and Megaera (first glance he said 'Mistress')
Nyx and Ares, Nyx and Athena
(Athena is just Ares with braincell, and why Ares has that white mask all around his eyes and head)
Bouldy….the REAL best boy
I don't know why but the "Oh Charon" really got me.
Why is Aphrodite always JoJo posing?
Nyx can get it
9:43 DOG
The best tactics of war happen under the cover of night.
Bro if hell will be like this i will gladly kill myself
Ares: But what ifi we gave the mortals GUNS?
after watching this, the Kid Icarus game that will never happen unless its a port. :C F
I love the character design, but I really feel like Aphrodite is just over the top
Why is Thanatos so hot? Wait why are they all so hot!!!???
"She is a lovely specimen" okay Ares, you might be right but, please stick to the war and keep ya mits off of Night Mom
why are y’all so pressed this is greek mythology incest is the ✨norm✨
Thanatos and Megaera:
What are you doing stepbro?
Fun fact: There were technically 2 Aphrodites, #1 Heavenly Aphrodite Urania – mother of the Titan Uranos and older version of Aphrodite, the goddess of purer, family and friends type of love, #2 Earthly Aphrodite Pandemos – daughter of Zeus and Dione, the Goddes of sexual love. Later on, they were mashed together into a singular being, but became mostly Eathly love version, while Hera got the Family part.
A bit disappointed they didn't put a mention of this in the game, but oh well.
Ares, God of War and Milf hunter extraordinare