Hades – My reward for having all bonds, Ares/Nyx & other story bits

Why are the greater achievements in this game such letdowns and the tiny bits so rewarding? 😂


41 thoughts on “Hades – My reward for having all bonds, Ares/Nyx & other story bits”

  1. my next storylist (fanfic)would be :
    Achilles and Megaera (first glance he said 'Mistress')
    Nyx and Ares, Nyx and Athena
    (Athena is just Ares with braincell, and why Ares has that white mask all around his eyes and head)

  2. Fun fact: There were technically 2 Aphrodites, #1 Heavenly Aphrodite Urania – mother of the Titan Uranos and older version of Aphrodite, the goddess of purer, family and friends type of love, #2 Earthly Aphrodite Pandemos – daughter of Zeus and Dione, the Goddes of sexual love. Later on, they were mashed together into a singular being, but became mostly Eathly love version, while Hera got the Family part.

    A bit disappointed they didn't put a mention of this in the game, but oh well.


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