Hades & Persephone's curious tale from #greekmythology

The tale of Hades & Persephone represents the changing of the seasons. #mythology #greekmythology #hades #persephone


2 thoughts on “Hades & Persephone's curious tale from #greekmythology”

  1. Thought the story went: Hades saw Persephone and thought she was beautiful. He went to his brother Zeus, Persephone’s dad because Greece, and said I’m lonely down there in Hell can I have her as a wife. Zeus: sure my literal bro.
    Hades: thanks (goes and gets the girl)
    Demeter: what’s that woodland creatures? My daughter is gone?!? 😢
    Persephone: ok not happy about the kidnapping but this Hades guy is kind cute (first recorded occurrence of Stockholm syndrome)
    Zeus: why is the world dying?
    Demeter: if I’m sad, everyone be sad
    Zeus: shit
    Zeus: hey Hades, so she needs to go back upstairs now
    Persephone: nah I like it here, I go back up and mom will never let me leave
    Zeus: shit… ok I got this
    Zeus: hey Demeter, good news bad news
    Good news: I found your daughter!
    Demeter: yaaay!
    Bad news: she ate… like 6 pomegranates so now she has to spend 6 months in hell each yeah
    Demeter: wtf? Well at least I get to see her again


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