Hades Pt 18 {So I can't even see the farm anymore?}

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1 thought on “Hades Pt 18 {So I can't even see the farm anymore?}”

  1. 0:13 Thing to note: You can use 1 Cthonic Key to respec your Darkness. Worth the gems if you need a boost in a different power in the mirror!
    14:04 You think that's awesome? Try pairing it with Ice Wine. Stronger, Chiller, and near-instant~
    20:08 More than Chaos, even? XD
    35:46 Ooh, NICE. Better to get early, but hey, better late than never, right?
    41:16 Guess we ain't getting Ice Wine this time. Ah well!
    56:30 Wow, that's quite some progress on the Fated List!
    58:38 Yeah, now that his is all just par of the job- and Persephone is kinda strong-arming Hades a little- the two are… kinda bonding?
    1:00:56 He gets better, starts calling him by his actual name more often.
    1:01:27 And there's the other shoe!
    1:02:10 And that is why they moved the fishing spot to the arena. Shame, too. I'd've loved to see him look around a little.
    1:11:32. Ah. You knew you could do that. Nevermind! ^_^'
    1:13:09 Me too! It's great for all manner of Flourish Boons!


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