Hades Pushes Black Lotus Turf Full Fight 6v8… (Multipov) | Nopixel 4.0 GTA RP

#changgang #lordkebun #gulaggang #gtarp #nopixel #gg #mdm #cg #changgang #buddha #mandem


24 thoughts on “Hades Pushes Black Lotus Turf Full Fight 6v8… (Multipov) | Nopixel 4.0 GTA RP”

  1. OTT: "move out or we will make you move out"

    After the fight he spent rest of his time hiding in sandy mountains while hades were just rolling around fudge 💀 and still talking shit while hiding in the mountains 💀

  2. hades rolled out with their best to go too war against weed pushers and people who are new to war late NA. It’s not a w like y’all think like Black lotus could of smoked them before multiple times but didn’t because hades didn’t have numbers at the time lol

  3. This war will get toxic real quick…OTT waiting for his weekend shooters, camping on fudge with 12 people who just appeared from no where, already making weird comments about Ray and making his chat go absolutely wild with insults like his chat is an actual cesspit of weird parasocials.

  4. i still dont know why ott want this so much. bsk literally got destroyed by rust in 3.0, aint no way he can handle seaside and rust together. cypress can hold their own is only because hades was fighting what basically was ex-gg.


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