HADES SMITE 2 CHANGES ARE SO MUCH FUN! (There's no escaping him now…)

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25 thoughts on “HADES SMITE 2 CHANGES ARE SO MUCH FUN! (There's no escaping him now…)”

  1. they need to somehow nerf the 1 and 3 when hades is ulting. It feels a little OP with how much I can now do during this ult. You run you die. You don't run you die. Hades is just popping off…
    Maybe like he can only dash 50 to 75 percent of the original dash distance, half the damage on the 3 (keep full heals though), just something. At the moment I feel he is very powerful with what you can do

  2. Why do you have to do the goofy face reaction thing for your thumbnails now, dude? You make great content, it isn't necessary and just makes your stuff look like all the other filler youtubers.

  3. Is smite 2 really this dark? I can’t get in because they won’t email me back and I can’t find my key for access….. but is it this dark? I love the gameplay and stuff I’m not upset with it I’m just curious.

  4. I am loving this new version of the alpha. I can clearly see where the abilities are going now and if I stun them or not! In love! What I hate? That when you have your full build, you have 5k gold just sitting aroud late game and you can't buy potions or anything 🙁

  5. I played a few games on Xbox and I couldn't tell if Hades was bugged or there were latency issues, but half the time I couldn't do the 1, 3 combo nor could I channel any abilities in his ult aside from the dash. Regardless, he still felt really good compared to Smite 1


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