Jayne gets his second Sub-10 Hades run!
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Jayne gets his second Sub-10 Hades run!
Other Channels!
🔰 Clips – https://www.youtube.com/JayneClips
🔰 Coaching – https://www.youtube.com/c/PECOOverwatch Coaching
3rd view lets goooo
cool video
now eat a spider
"wait, im doing fuck" – Jayne
I'm really loving this content jayne!
What game is thisssss
One Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunch!!
Jayne: critical In depth analysis
Also Jayne: “I am doing fuck”
Is hades pc only and how much is it?
I love Hades, and I love you. Congratulations!
Torn between loving this content and hating that you haven't done some of the side stories
Eww Meg.
You keep creating content for games im really into at the time and I'm here for it
great run jayne, keep up the good work
I was trying to figure out what sub 10 meant and I made it ok ok ok
4:39 Speedrunning in a nutshell
Than: You're reckless, but you're quick.
Jayne furiously mashes!
You seem much happier playing a more diverse set of games I'm here for it
Is there a place to find what heat to take when doing runs like these?
Who else just here because Jayne loves playing this game? He looks like he's having so much fun that I kinda wanna get this game now.
Nice one, Jayne <3
Loving the new content Jayne! I never would have discovered this great game if it hadn't been on your channel, it's definitely one of my new favorites 😀
So glad to see you enjoy Hades. This game is goddamn masterpiece.
holy shit this is a good build, got my PB first time with it and I didnt even get the duo boon wtf