Hades' Star: 2020.3 Update Info

The Hades’ Star update 2020.3 is in the works. Take a look at a number of the changes included in the upcoming patch and let us know what you think in the comments below!


23 thoughts on “Hades' Star: 2020.3 Update Info”

  1. So much new content to explore! What a relief, I was in danger of getting bored there. I used to be the highest lv player in the game, was one of the early rs10 players. Upgrading planets and mods to even higher levels once I maxed them was loads of fun. So glad you didn't just cash out and focus on your next project.

  2. How about fixing bluestar matchups so me with 3,6mil credit cap am not going against guys with 8mil credit cap+, That crap is so f'ing infuriating going against ships with Bond 12 where as i don't even have enough blueprints for Bond 3…. Some days i wanna headbutt the guy who does the Algorithm because it's so outrageously unfair and complete f'ing bullshit!

  3. Wow, quality of life improvements 3+ years into the game, bravo!

    Especially after telling half the community that if they didn't like the game, they could bugger off.

    Well done once again, Papa!


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