There were two really fun builds this stream, and that clutch at 7 hp freaked me out! Also, come join our 12 hour livestream on October 31st!
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There were two really fun builds this stream, and that clutch at 7 hp freaked me out! Also, come join our 12 hour livestream on October 31st!
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Theseus: What hope have you, monster, versus the blessed bonds of brotherhood.
Caleb: I have a gun!
Good part I exhaled air out of my nose.
Made in Abyss Dawn of the Deep Soul reaction when?
This is a bit of an advanced tip I learned yesterday Caleb, but just FYI, every time you start a run once you get boons from 4 different gods, those 4 gods will be the only ones that show up in the run. This means that there will always be 3 gods that will be locked from appearing to give you boons on a standard run. The only way around this is to acquire the keepsake of the god in question by giving them one nectar. Then if you equip the keepsake, even if you have 4 different boons it will force another god to show up according to whichever keepsake you have applied.
This is a bit of an advanced tip since it’s only really useful once you know a lot of the boons each god has and you can choose which ones you want to shape your run.
FYI, certain legendary tier boons will ONLY show up if you have a certain combination of boons acquired already. For example, Zeus’ legendary boon will ONLY appear as an option if you have high voltage, storm lightning, or double strike already obtained. In other words, each god has a boon progression tree with specific requirements. The same goes for duo boons. You must have acquired specific skills from two gods to get the duo boon to appear
FYI, Theseus always turns his back and walks away a short distance every time he throws his spear. That’s your best time to attack
as of today i've played enough of hades to reach the end credits, and let me tell ya, even being used to them, theseus and hades phase 2 do not become any less of a challenge (imo). hades especially puts me on edge everytime i fight him, and to me that makes him all the more better as a boss.
Since you’re having trouble evading the range on hades spin attack, it might help to know that Hermes has a boon that allows you to gain 1 additional dash. It’s REALLY good for evading that attack
4:49, that's because of nyx. nyx can shroud you and conceal you from view.
Wait a second… Is Astreus didn't attack Theseus even if he's under Aphrodite's spell because he loves Theseus?!!!!!! Maybe not in a romantic way but in a bro way so powerful even Aphrodite can't change his mind?! (I know geek mythes and love is the strongest tool in them. Not cute hearts and happy birds but to curse people, kill people or curse yourself so I'm really thinking it's a romantic way but it's so strange….. )
You may already know this but in case you don’t. Because I saw you struggling with and complaining about father spin attack. You might have a better time timing your dash to invuln the spin rather than trying to get out of it’s range.
The alternative Death difience is so bad…
"Sucks to be Hades" OK it's true yeah
But there's one thing about Hades that people forget, and it's this: since he's the lord of everything under the earth, that includes all of the precious metals and gems that exist underground. For this, Hades is unbelievably rich.
imagine him using extreme measures on all bosses lol nightmare run