Hades-Style Survival Roguelike With Diablo Elements! – Death Must Die


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31 thoughts on “Hades-Style Survival Roguelike With Diablo Elements! – Death Must Die”

  1. The triune goddesses are all aspects of the Morrigan, they blur into one another a lot. Probably there is an academic analysis of the mythology evolving and spreading, which could tell you where it most likely actually began. There's not really any such thing as a correct version, though.

  2. Definitely heavily inspired by Hades. Enemies have the same armor mechanic. Armored enemies aren't interrupted by attacks, but once you break through their armor (the blue part of their health bar) they can be stunlocked like any other normal enemy. I really like the lack of contact damage, though, opens up a whole range of tactical options.

  3. fun stuff πŸ™‚ alas if you kill a thing in 1 hit it only shows how much damage it took to kill them so its hard to tell if your damage increases work early game πŸ™ also in options there is a fun slider πŸ™‚ also an option to put numbers on your hp bar

  4. Let's design a game, it's gonna be a vampire survival like, of course, it's 2023, but we need a gimmick.. I know, Hades-like.
    Hey, I ain't even mad, it looks like a banger game

  5. it reads that the blade itself is pulled back to you not the enemies.

    i really like the game but the amount of runs i have had where the most i could get is a couple of adept boons makes me really wish it had a re-roll system. (my luck in games is abysmal)

  6. Okay but for super serious, I def want to see more of this one O,O It's mesmerizing to watch, even more than VampSur tbh. It looks like it has potential for some wacky builds


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