Hades | Time For More Extreme Measures | #50

Hades is a roguelike action role-playing video game developed and published by Supergiant Games. The game was released for Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch on September 17, 2020, which followed an early access release from December 2018. Players control Zagreus, the son of Hades, as he attempts to escape from Underworld to reach Mount Olympus, at times aided by gifts bestowed on him from the other Olympians. Each run challenges the player through a random series of rooms populated with enemies and rewards, and the player uses a combination of their main weapon attack, dash power, and magic ability to defeat them while avoiding damage to progress as far as possible. While Zagreus will often die, the player can use gained treasure to improve certain attributes or unlock new weapons and abilities to improve chances of escaping on subsequent runs.

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That social media nonsense.

End card Music: Peacock by 7 Minutes Dead



36 thoughts on “Hades | Time For More Extreme Measures | #50”

  1. Hey pally aspect of demeter is actually the best form of the gloves, if you can max it and get the zues boon for your special with dionysus buff on your auto attacks and you can get past hades easy

  2. 3:50 – Ravenous will is actually a really really powerful boon. 10% less damage taken is okay, but also 20% damage on EVERYTHING you have.
    Compare that to the already pretty good boon that Ares has which gives you 15% damage on everything.

    I know it's not a flashy boon but it's a solid one. And you should be throwing out your cast for that +50% damage taken debuff anyways at least this might make you do it more often.

  3. This may have been one of the VERY few runs where the acorn isn't as good as Skelly's res, because you had a lot of damage reduction (30% Aphrodite, 30% from sturdy, 10% from ravenous will) meaning the acorn didn't block a lot of damage since it was reduced anyways.
    With the keepsakes there's not really a hard rule of ALWAYS do X, there's always very specific situations that make other ones better.
    Presephone's pom flower is also VERY strong in the last segment because you go through so many rooms so quickly (and yes it counts all the chambers not just finals like the plume/butterfly does), so you can increase the power of your boons a lot. It's at least on par with the acorn imho in terms of power level with situations where it's better/worse.

  4. I'm wondering if you are aware that Bouldy can't be maxed on nectar. All that happens when you gift him is that you get a small buff: 5% more gold for the run, 3% more damage, stuff like that.
    You can see it at the top of your boon list at the left edge of the screen after you gift him.
    It has the flavor text "Bouldy believes in you" as far as I recall.

  5. All weapons are "good" (except the gun) and most all aspects are "good", if not "amazing" if played even less than half-way correctly.
    Try expanding outside the twin-fists with new weapons, aspects & boon combos.
    <3 ya bro, but plox ditch the fists!


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