Persephone, GreekMythology, MythologicalGoddess, QueenoftheUnderworld, PersephoneandHades, AncientGreekMyths, MythicalFigure, GoddessofSpringandDeath, DemeterandPersephone, MythsandLegends, PersephoneandSeasons, MythologicalNarrative, PersephoneandthePomegranate, GoddessofRebirth, AncientGreekGoddess, MythologicalJourney, PersephoneandMythology, HadesandPersephone, MythsExploration, PersephoneandMystery, MythologicalDeities
Well I mean this is only one of the versions and the other one Persephone went willingly and actually loves Hades
all of that is false are u stupid? cant even open wikipedia and read?