Hades v1.0 Gameplay First Look – Pretty Demon Boy's Hell Escape Roguelite (Blind Let's Play Part 1)

Let’s play the first 40 minutes of Hades 1.0 full version! From Supergiant Games comes a new rogue-like dungeon crawler where we play Zagreus, the immortal Prince of Hell, trying to escape hell.
► More Hades v1.0 (playlist): http://bit.ly/Welonz_Hades | If you enjoyed the video, consider leaving a like and/or comment as support!

► More First Looks: http://bit.ly/WelonzFirstLooks


Hi, I’m Welonz! I love games with great stories, and on this channel, I primarily play titles with engaging and immersive narrative-driven experiences: anything from medieval fantasy to futuristic sci-fi, from hidden indie gems to high-profile AAA hits.

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► Hades

Official website: https://www.supergiantgames.com/games/hades/
Developer: Supergiant Games
Publisher: Supergiant Games
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145360/Hades/
Epic Games: https://store.epicgames.com/welonz/hades

► Hades Story Synopsis
Hades is a god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler that combines the best aspects of Supergiant’s critically acclaimed titles, including the fast-paced action of Bastion, the rich atmosphere and depth of Transistor, and the character-driven storytelling of Pyre.

As the immortal Prince of the Underworld, you’ll wield the powers and mythic weapons of Olympus to break free from the clutches of the god of the dead himself, while growing stronger and unraveling more of the story with each unique escape attempt.


32 thoughts on “Hades v1.0 Gameplay First Look – Pretty Demon Boy's Hell Escape Roguelite (Blind Let's Play Part 1)”

  1. I've been playing Hades since it was first released in early access. I've finally got to the ending yesterday and to approximate, you will get new story and dialogue with basically every run, there is so much of them that i still get new ones even after 200+ hours. There is a lot of characters and subplots witch you can pursue even without reaching the "end". How fast you will progress through the main storyline depends on your ability to play the game, but with enough upgrades and repeats it becomes fairly simple to reach the "end of the run" although the story and subplots continue even after that.

    Basically, the story is good, characters are awesome, visuals you have already seen, but yeah, you gotta work for it. I would enjoy to watch a full playthrough even if it takes a while.

  2. Minor spoilers about the structure of the game:

    The basic story is completed when you finish a run, which would take some 40 minutes on average. However, it would be really hard early especially if you are not familiar with these types of games. Because you can buy permanent upgrades it gets easier the more you play, but it would be a grind. I honestly don't know how much it would take to complete the full story but it's mostly just experiencing all the voice lines.

    Would be cool to see you play this more, but I suppose it's not really on-brand for the channel and you would definitely have to put some double-digit hours in to get good at the game.

  3. Didn't expect to see Hades on this channel. Pleasant surprise, but certainly different. Super Giant Games always delivers. One can simply tell that they know what they are doing and that they are going the extra mile to make it special in some way. Hope you enjoy, if you decide to delve more into it.

  4. Welonz, trust us – this is a great game for you. The story is fun and interesting, just as gameplay is super in-depth and additicting. And now with 1.0 it have an ending so you actually can "complete" the game!
    So yeah, I recommend giving it an LP.
    … Pleeeeeeease?

  5. Also if you're interested in how long does it take too complete thee story then I think – for you – about 50-80 hours (depends on how well you're gonna perform)
    And trust me – with each run you gonna unlock something better and nicer not only for gameplay, but also for story interactions, you've barely scratched a surface of what this game can offer to you!
    (Also I really, really want to see your reactions to the bosses, they are SO GOOD)

  6. "My, you're quite the specimen"
    I can't help but think Aphrodite and Zagreus are related because almost everyone is related to each other in Greek mythology, eww lmao Anyway, this game is much deeper than it looks; there's even romance options and side quests

  7. Hope you enjoy the game! One tip for the bow: more than one arrow from the Volley can hit the same target. Which means that if you use it at point-blank, you can potentially hit all arrows from the volley on the same target, doing a LOT of damage

  8. I just found you but i really lovd your playstyle and the way you speak out everything you're thinking. And you play the same sort of games i like! I'm excited i found a new LPer i can watch!!

  9. What i thought of at the beginning when the game just drops you into the deep water with no tutorial is that how not welcoming games are for new players, and by new i mean someone completley new to games. You knew that you can move with WASD and clicking, cuz you played a lot of games but for someone who never played games, they would just stand there like "now what?".

  10. Chthonic is pronounced "TH-a-nik"
    Chthonic means "Concering, belong to, or inhabiting the underworld"

    Also Nyx in greek mythology is the goddess of the night and mother of monsters. She's not evil though, and she is EXTREMELY powerful so powerful that even Zeus fears her in greek mythology.

    Its kind of comforting that in Greek Mythology there a exists a woman that even the misogynist & serial rapist known as Zeus fears.

  11. I know this playthrough is a month old but

    “I’m mainly using dash to escape away, not using it to dash into things”

    Yeah……hopefully you got over that and started using your dash offensively, otherwise you’re gonna have a bad time…..

  12. Possibly some one already pointed that out, but it isn't really "Hell", it is "Hades". Hades is name of place, not only name of god who rules on it. Hades rules Hades. I assume name of the game is not the god, but the place.

  13. Nyx is a primordial, the generation that predates the titans, which cronos and the titans overthrew as zeus and the gods overthrew the titans.

    Primordials ARE what they represent, they come up rarely in things based on greek myth because they weren't anthromorphized in the mythology.
    So when it says Night incarnate, it means it. Nyx is the Night, Hypnos is sleep, and Thanatos is Death.


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