This is the ultimate companion to rewatch and consult for all of your Hades Weapon Aspects problems. What to choose and when to do so, what to expect, and how difficult it will be.
Updated Tier List Image (last updated February 17, 2021):
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#hades #grinninggoat #hadesweapons
First, Great Video!
This was a great watch. Thanks!
In the video, you meantioned the Achilles spear special isn't shorter range, but it's actually sort of true. Achillis's spear charge works completely differently. You can hold it's charge longer than the other spears and it scales its distance more with the charge duration. Minimum charge Achillis special is shorter than minimum charge special on other spears. It's only equal at full charge
You should do a video on the hammer upgrades. Some of these significantly change the mechanics of how these weapons work. The upgrade that changes the railgun special into a rocket, for example.
For what it's worth – the change to Gilgamesh aspect where you can hold down dash saved the game for me, because a lot of the other aspects were killng my wrists. Being able to hold down dash and attack to permanently dash strike everything is a lot gentler than constantly hitting all the buttons. Not something you could possibly model, but possibly worth considering to add something to address how it makes inputs significantly easier for that aspect. Hold down dash at almost all times, press attack as well when you want to do damage.
The best consistent casts for the hera bow are Aphrodite and Poseidon, which are both lodgeable casts
For the record, this video is about w/ no boons, no heat. So just a base level. So is this a definitive "best"/"worst" weapon tier list? Cause in speedrunning, Eris Rail is considered one of the best for speed, but in this tier list is put in a very low tier. So, boons will greatly change the placement of the weapons right?
Nice vid. I only recently got the game & I'm still unlocking the legendary aspects, so I am far from an expert. However, I wonder if your model could've undervalued the significant benefit that comes from being able to deal damage at a distance? For me, the game is dramatically easier with ranged weapons (& I'd include the spear which can be thrown & the shield since it can be thrown & it blocks so it allows you to be in melee range without getting hit). I agree that the sword is the worst weapon by far. The fists become more playable & fun with Talos & if you add wall slam capability or that hammer that adds range.
The fact that melee is so much harder makes me wonder why that Shawl charm was nerfed & why there isnt a charm that balances out the Distant Memory charm. Range already makes the game easier, & with Distant Memory u have quite a bit more damage
I really don't get your hate for range weapons with EM4. The bow (even zagreus aspect) is pretty easy to beat EM4 with, the rail is harder to master but if you do, EM4 is also easy, while the fists or the sword are so much harder because avoiding the massive spins of the boss requires insane timing.
Of course the shield is the easiest because of the block, but all other melee weapons are much harder.
Good video, but please stop touching your nose all the time.
please stop touching your nose dude.