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Stinger transition by
Kawaii Generation 2 Members:
【Aruru Gray Ch. アルル・グレイ】
【Lua Asuka Ch. 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Neena Makurano Ch. 枕にいな】
【Shee Icho Ch. 銀杏しい】
👏👏👏 GGs! Great Hades stream tonight Nami! Hope you can get your soup
Wonderful stream. And props to not giving up till the end; that fight with Asterius was especially amazing. Take care nami, and enjoy your food.
Time stamps (please allow ~10-20 seconds for context)
04:02 She's here
14:20 Pact of Punishment
16:03 Run 1 (sword)
22:30 I have never in my life seen this one before
23:21 Good news my controller is feeling weird today
27:32 Favorite goddess and god in the game
31:48 I don't have a brain in my skull
36:18 I never played this on keyboard and mouse but I might have to today!
37:37 Why is my head spikey?
38:33 Asphodel
40:14 I want to fish!
58:20 Run 2 (sword)
1:19:22 Asphodel
1:33:55 Elysium
1:53:52 GRANDMA NO!
2:00:24 Temple of Styx
2:01:21 Do you get tired of streaming?
2:02:34 Don't spit on me
2:02:49 rrrats!
2:06:24 Rats or no rats?
2:10:02 You don't scare me tiny vermin!
2:10:36 Raccoons as a pet?
2:11:14 Hey that does an ouchie
2:12:31 Alright, onto papi
2:13:20 Hades
2:15:16 Ayo papi
2:15:34 Darkness imprisoning m-AH
2:17:14 Panic
2:22:22 Dead
2:23:12 Hypnos that's a terrible idea
2:23:38 Tear it up Orpheus!
2:24:22 Yeah fishing!
2:25:35 What kinda gnarly insect got ya bruh
2:27:43 You want me to use the shield? okey
2:28:45 That's cool shield!
2:29:00 Run 3 (shield)
2:29:27 Pops is whack
2:30:46 I'm gonna go sicko crazy mode
2:31:37 Just judging my boy for no reason
2:36:01 Why is this the first time I noticed his chalice is like "woooooo"
2:37:37 I just trained myself…
2:38:14 Since they took all my DoTs away from SMN, I have to get them from somewhere
2:40:12 I like this shield
2:42:11 Fishing!
2:43:23 One of the super good things about this shield
2:47:41 That hurted
2:47:56 Asphodel
2:48:32 Hellooo? Oh my god!
2:49:27 Are they for real?
2:51:32 Singing along
2:52:58 Hello friends, or should I say FOES
2:55:02 (skips dialogue) I'm sorry!
2:59:24 Knuckle popping
3:00:38 It is on the dot time for Squirrel's lunch
3:00:56 I'm gonna brb
3:05:46 She's back
3:07:15 Last night it just hit me why you do the pray emote during the loading screen
3:11:39 Elysium
3:15:11 I personally think spin2win is a great playstyle
3:16:37 Let it rip!
3:23:54 Every day I suffer
3:28:01 Panic
3:30:24 I'm just here to be a little Beyblade man!
3:30:29 Dead
3:33:37 The archives you say!
3:38:19 The bow was the run we first got out of Elysium
3:43:21 Run 4 (Spear)
3:47:39 Feesh!
4:00:33 Everything's fine
4:01:21 Asphodel
4:01:44 Maybe when I die this'll be the last one
4:08:39 (skips dialogue) I don't care, give me a boon
4:09:36 Can you die so I can go fishing?
4:11:35 Charon, this time!
4:16:22 So hungry~
4:16:52 Elysium
4:17:56 I did not expecet to toss myself in that!
4:20:10 I'm so poor please understand Charon
4:21:44 AHHHH! (asterius miniboss)
4:22:23 I dunno what you're saying right now, I'm just thinking of soup
4:23:45 Panic
4:27:18 Oh no I forgot I had death defiance still!
4:28:08 I have never been sadder to survive in this game
4:29:12 Than, I just want soup
4:29:50 Thanks Than~
4:31:51 Consider the soup, Zag
4:33:45 Charon can I have soup
4:34:33 theseus kill me plz
4:36:18 Panic
4:36:56 Thank you god (dead)
4:37:16 I'm going to the soup store!
4:37:35 Wrapping up
4:39:20 Tomorrow is book club for members
4:40:47 Thanks for listening to me beg for soup
4:42:22 Byeeeeee~
Thanks for the stream Nami. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Such a fun stream Namii !
Despite the input change you had some solid runs. And the SOUP run was just hilarious
Wonderful stream Nami 🙂 🙂 🙂 Very well done
2:18:18. I thought Hades was supposed to have a dark aesthetic since it was a game based on the Greek Mythology's underworld but seeing Nami dodge like this with a rainbow trail puts Nyan Cat to shame. 🌈 must be the color of Nami's rage because her blood was boiling.
Too many pinned arc and Japanese letters. (Name got pinned)