Hades WILL Cure Your Stage 4 Boredom.

THE hades review to answer all your burning questions about one of the best rogue likes potentially ever made. And that’s coming form someone who doesn’t even like them. What gods are the best? In this video I’ll show you what makes hades such a terrific game and whether or not the game is right for you! What weapons are the best? I’m more of a spear and knuckles guy and you can’t go wrong with Poseidon, Zeus, Athena and Good ol Hades himself but you didn’t hear that from me. The ending of this game will blow your Greek socks off and the gameplay shown in this video will be sure to have you checking out this thing in Steam or buying it for Nintendo Switch in no time.

#Hades review. Is Hades Good? Yes. Is Hades Great? You bet. is hades worth it? watch to find out. Hades is the best game on PC Switch PS4 PS5 This is all for tags This Hades Review is the review for you. Analysis that’s a thing. Hades no cap is the best game I’ve played since Outer Wilds. Just me or do most new games suck? Cyberpunk could suck my butt with that weak story garbo. #HadesReview #hadesspeedrun Hades: Ungodly Perfection is hades a good game

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23 thoughts on “Hades WILL Cure Your Stage 4 Boredom.”

  1. After watching this and your Outer Wilds video, I'm baffled you don't have 1mill+ subscribers already. It'll happen. And when it does, enjoy your LIFE.
    Just release your vids at the start of their hype train and enjoy the ride.


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