Hekate is DEAD!! | 3antozz (Hades) vs Tigerboss (Kronos) Game 2/3 #aom #ageofempires

So… Tigerboss is playing Kronos and doesn’t have access to hekate but man does Helios look strong!

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8 thoughts on “Hekate is DEAD!! | 3antozz (Hades) vs Tigerboss (Kronos) Game 2/3 #aom #ageofempires”

  1. I think what works better is:
    – Send Hades heroes in the wood line of the Kronos player asap.
    – Don’t totally ignore water even if it is later in the game, just don’t put all in.
    – Constant raiding with few units
    – I do prefer underworld if used properly, it can be a game winner.

    it is easy to say and the Kronos already had major upper hand at 5:00

  2. I was thinking that a mod in which AOM townscenters would have spawns of domestic animals such as goats, cows and chickens, with a cooldown similar to that of the Pharaoh, would be interesting. This way there would be an alternative food supply option besides farms, but of course limited to the spawn time.


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