Hell, Hades, and the Phantom Matrix: what do they all have in common? Demons and Fallen Angel extraterrestrials. Journey into the depths as we expose the sinister forces at work behind the scenes of human history. 👹👽
#hell #hades #demons
so this war is eternal
Wow! Imagine a whole dimension inhabited buy Joe Bidens 😮
I really appreciate you covering this!
❤thank you
I call it the shadow zone. I’ve been on the opposite of all this ascended knowledge and I’ll be one to tell you it’s weird and not good weird. I had entered into a realm of monsters and entities whilst addicted to amphetemines. I thought I was special because everyone around me was not seeing what I was seeing after no sleep from 3 days to 24 days without sleep. I’m not afraid to share this because I left that cask of rot frequency well on its way to correction in consciousness.
Whilst down there though I discovered a etheric race that feeds on human byproduct whilst on substance and various other endeavors. This 15th dimensional time matrix makes perfect sense that it is just that!! I believe it’s the same type of entities that reach out to people with bright souls and subvert them into being a celebrity and working in darkness. They wanted me to be a famous rapper and the only thing I had to do was sever this gold cord to my mother. I did not do that. I chose life I walk with the ascended ones I walk with the awakened ones and I love you all.. … Thavian I first watched you when you were videoing orbs in your tent😂 Ever since then I’ve been riding with you on YouTube, looking forward to being a member. Your a common voice here at home. Much Love MACHIWA
Приятелю, известен добре факт е, че всяка душа , дух, същност след, като умре преминава по един или друг начин през залите на "съда" ,Аменти , Иркалу, Чистилището , Кама Лока. Този преход не може да бъде избегнат , каквото и да говорят в Ню Ейдж или Катара. И тук не става дума за външни съдии толкова, колкото, че самата Вселена измерва честотите, вибрациите, енергията на всеки преминаващ. Полезно е за всеки сериозен търсач на Истината да е наясно , да изучи процесите, които следват и да е подготвен вместо да си затваря очите и да се обвинява демони, паднали ангели и прочее. Всеки, който живее, има желания, страсти, страхове има и такъв фантомен двойник и след, като остави материалното си тяло трябва да бъде пречистен преди да се издигне до по – висшите небеса . Естествено всеки си преживява свое собствено пътешествие и процесът и уникален за всеки човек, но пътя минава през почти едни и същи спирки .Мир и Любов , Смелост и Истина !