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Hades 2 Playlist!
#gaming #roguelike #hades
Who is the man on the thumbnail ?
Yes! I needed this one, I'm so bad with the torches 😡
Thank youu<3
IVE BEEN DYING TRYING SKMETHING NEW WITH MOROS. ALSO BOYS : Got my first 32 underworld clear with Charon axe sunny despo build
I feel like people really sleep on the armor-melting hammers in the game, they're way stronger than people give them credit for. Especially in tartarus when the satyrs and thugs have super high amounts of armor, those hammers completely trivialize them. It also singlehandedly destroys minibosses in seconds, since most of their health is from armor.
Whew, I've been waiting for a torches build, my build-crafting has gotten me to 32 fear Chronos a few times but they haven't been good enough to beat him (as in, I was almost all the way dead when I walked into the boss room)
Thumbnail is wrong btw. No Sworn Strike and the rarity for Flourish and Gain isn't Heroic. Just saying in case it's a mistake
Could you explain what you mean by "menu room" and how it relates to poms?