How Chewie Makes Decisions in Hades [No Story Spoilers]

I LOVE Hades! Not only that, but I’m apparently pretty good at it! And since my constant streaming of the game seems to have attracted some new players, I wanted to make an instructional video of sorts. This video isn’t about gameplay, it’s about making decisions. To be a roguelike dungeon crawler, Hades sure does hit the player with a LOT of choices to make outside of combat. From starting weapon and aspect to keepsakes to room rewards to boon decisions, it never ends!

So I decided (heh) to make a couple videos where I dive deep into each decision I make! I removed all the conversations (to avoid story spoilers) and most of the actual fighting except for bosses (they’re the best part!) and a few bits that show off a new boon or ability. Let me know if this is a thing I should do more often or if it was a giant waste of time and energy!

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Outro Music: Diamond by Swift – – Used with permission


3 thoughts on “How Chewie Makes Decisions in Hades [No Story Spoilers]”

  1. Given how quickly you defeated spoilers and with such elegance and panache, you really are good at this game. The only reason you had to use a death defy is because you got careless right at the very end, given how good that was. This video was extremely informative for people who are just getting into the game and gave me a few tidbits I hadn't thought of before. Good stuff.


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