I GOT TOWER RUSHED | 1v1 Hades vs Kronos #aom #ageofempires

But villagers have a bonus against Towers…

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5 thoughts on “I GOT TOWER RUSHED | 1v1 Hades vs Kronos #aom #ageofempires”

  1. Timeshifting for palace/towers is stupid. You basically remove the 1st one to teleport it at the same price of building a full 2nd one. Not sure why an alleged smart player wouldn't realize that unless he is stupid, it isn't even like some funny thing it's just simply stupid; here you see made him lose out 300 res almost instantly and a tower that he also lost. Only the very cheap like 5 wood ones are basically 'free' and actually can be useful in some case. I feel like I've seen much better atlantis players that don't even practice than this.


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