I'll never top this Heph cast build ever again. | Hades 2 Olympic Update

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26 thoughts on “I'll never top this Heph cast build ever again. | Hades 2 Olympic Update”

  1. All the christmas merch is definitely NOT what people are buying and definitely NOT what they have in stock, it's just mental manipulation on corporate's part. Put it in peoples' faces so they start spending early. It's one of the most insidious business tactics out there because TECHNICALLY you're right, it is what people are buying and it is the stock that's on the shelves [but only because they're quietly shoving it out there in the first place], it's so scummy.

  2. I wouldn't mind the more situational gods like Artemis but i wish they atleast increased the probability of getting to meet those. Idk maybe like after Mid shop you get to choose between The encounter based god and a mini boss.
    But atleast one new full fledged god would be nice imo

  3. I reckon fine tuning would be much crazier with just poseidon ring + geyser sprout as you don't have to wait for anvil ring to finish, but definitely much harder to get fine tuning if not prioritizing hept boons


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