I'm So Excited For Hades 2.

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25 thoughts on “I'm So Excited For Hades 2.”

  1. It's honestly impressive that Scylla manages to be the most narcissistic character in a game that has Narcissus himself. She writes I'm going to Claw out your Eyes after you beat her, changing her boss theme out of pure spite at Melinoë beating her and saying her last song (Coral Crown) isn't that good

  2. The build up in the songs comes from that the first half of a lot of songs is you going through rooms of lesser enemies, while the second half is for mini bosses/bosses. It was the same way in Hades 1 as well. Also Plz react to more Hades/Hades 2, they're some of my favorite OST's in gaming!

  3. I'm going to need a part 2 just so that you can listen to Chronos's boss theme because every song in the game related to Chronos is so tightly orchestrated that the beats sound like ticking clocks

  4. Most tracks in this game (like the first) have a combat layer with more intense instrumentation. For the boss tracks, it usually ramps up during a poingant line of dialogue leading into the fight.

  5. The coolest thing about "I Am Gonna Claw (Out Your Eyes Then Drown You to Death)" it's that it changes according to how you tackle the boss fight.
    There are three sirens: Scylla, Roxy and Jetty.
    Each one plays an instrument, so if you take down one of them, it removes that instrument from the track (Scylla is the bass, Roxy is the drums and Jetty is the guitar). Also, they all sing. So everytime you fight them, it changes the featured lead vocals. Scylla is performed by Erin Yvette, Roxy is performed by Ashley Barrett and Jetty is performed by Judy Alice Lee (who also plays Melinoë).

  6. I didn't see it while going through all your videos Emily, but might I recommend Assassins creed 2's soundtrack? Jesper Kyd is an absolute genius and there's a reason why the AC games continue to use "ezios family" in almost all of the games after 2. Highly highly recommend 😊

  7. You have to make a part 2! There are so many amazing tracks you haven't covered:
    Eternal longing, The Titan of Time, Into Tarturus, Edge of Erebus, Coral Crown, The Risen Fleet

    and btw, since the game is in early access the soundtrack is also incomplete, Darren will bless us with more tracks soon. They said the next update should come out in the first quarter of 2025

  8. A cool detail about I am Gonna Claw (Out your eyes and drown you to death) is that it's only the boss fight music after you beat that boss a couple times because you pissed Scylla off enough to get her to write it. The original song you fight her to, Coral Crown, is also an amazing song. Once she writes I am Gonna Claw (Out your eyes and drown you to death) they alternate between the two songs.

  9. Thus Darren Korb gave fire to humanity
    Generally, I listen to a game OST after hearing it ingame, and besides game I don't really listen music, so I'm not often hyped about a music coming out.
    I'm dying thinking what could be the theme of the final boss awaiting upon Olympus, up until now God of the Dead, Titan of Time and the most recent Prometheus are among my favorites music, and thinking it might tie all of it… Really can't wait

  10. Unlike most other Supergiant songs with female vocals, I Am Gonna Claw isn't sung by Ashley Barrett*. Instead, Scylla is voice acted by Erin Yvette.

    *Ashley actually is doing backing vocals in the song as the voice of the band's drummer


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