In The Name of Apollo, We've Got a Build | Hades II – Early Access (2)

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Edited by Minh

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19 thoughts on “In The Name of Apollo, We've Got a Build | Hades II – Early Access (2)”

  1. Maybe it's just his way of finding something to talk about but man. Does everything have to be a reference or call back to the original? There are obvious parallels but they're clearly trying to do their own thing with each of these new characters, too.

  2. Reggie had the right idea use the magic would have cut down all these rooms by minutes. Casting Omega would have saved his runs.

    Don't expect Woolie to be a speed runner out of the gate or anything but I would think he would have better reactions and at least try and understand all the systems. It's like watching him play Bayo 3 all over again.

  3. Woolie, you have a dash, a sprint, long ranged omegas, and the ability to place a large aoe snare. You totally have time to stand and charge your strongest moves over just spamming your special for the same if not longer amount of time.

  4. I'm 9 minutes in and reading some of these comments, I hope Woolie figures out his casts soon. They are long-range, wide-range, and literally the very first upgrade he ever got was bayo slowdown on casts that cuts down enemy motions to like quarter speed.

    This isn't Zagreus. The fact that a lot of gods seem to have a different version of "free mana" seems to suggest that charged moves are very important here. Playing the game like it's just the first one but more is probably gon' hurt in the long run.

  5. guys, I realize its easy to grumble about Woolie not immediately getting the value of magick, but its his second run. Cut him some fuckin slack. I'm sure he'll get better understanding, just give him literally more then about 30 minutes of actual combat to understand something like 3 new major mechanics.


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