Is Flurry Shot the way?! 40 heat Zag bow! /Hades v1.0/

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18 thoughts on “Is Flurry Shot the way?! 40 heat Zag bow! /Hades v1.0/”

  1. ayy, flurry, nice. Flurry + Demeter attack was my first clear iirc, after coming really close the previous run (fists, got to hades, got through his first health bar, thought I had done it, then he got up and I died to the shockwave since I had no DDs left. I'll never forget that one, I was trembling and everything) I've since gotten better at timing the shots with the bow, even rama, but I still take it sometimes.

  2. Hi again, it's me from the last video who commented on the video quality. I just took a look and it seems much improved from the past; I think what you said about "recording separately uncompressed" is working great. 😀

    Thanks for the great content man, love your playthroughs. <3

  3. Had a lucky run this morning. Took Aphrodite call and zues duo just cause I needed them for the list of fates and had figured I'd lose anyways being down 2 DD anyways going into hades. That super fast god gauge was amazing, popped off a charm as part of my normal attack rotation pretty much.


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