I've been sleeping on one of the most fun hammers ever. | Hades

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26 thoughts on “I've been sleeping on one of the most fun hammers ever. | Hades”

  1. it is criminal that haelian isn't more popular I've been watching him for the past 4 years and his hades vids and other vids on other games are so fun. to watch I have watched all his hades videos at least two times keep up the good hades content and other content 🙂

  2. Aspect of demeter is one of my favorite aspects to run! I basically always take Artemis on the special because hee hee crit damage go brrrr. Recently took flying cutter and had a lot of fun with it actually, it's probably in my "will take if I can't get kinetic launcher or explosive upper" tier. I will say it's even nicer if you do actually charge up the multi-hits on the uppercut lol


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