In the first episode of Hades I learn the basics of the game… and die.
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#Hades #Ki11ersix #LetsPlay
Check out my main channel:
Where I play a bunch of Borderlands content!
First.. lol
Second …jk have a good day k6
Third… keeping the chain alive
But you'll love this more and more
Alright new playthrough! Hell yea!
25:21 you had the perfect opportunity to have alec edit the now that's a lot of damage guy there lol in all honesty the game seems not bad I see why people are recently playing if you like the smash and grab stuff and you still have your ps4 highly recommend the new God of War the little chest you open you literally punch them open and I find hilarious everytime, good story, and some of the puzzles are pretty good too
Hello, Ki11er 6 I like to sit on my couch and watch you play video games, poorly!
Heeey! This is where I once watched The Show. I even bought a PS4 and The Show, cuz of this good dude right here
Holy hell I didnt know you had a second channel?! New Quest Found Watch all of these videos.
I have exactly 3 words for you K6: use your dash!!
I thought that this was a k6 jr. gameplay. I didn’t remember this chanel
You should do a playthrough of Marvel's Avengers game. You'll love the story
good choice for your second channel. but you should consider increasing the volume of game. the voice acting is stellar and features some great music as all supergiant games do.
Sooooo glad you made a secondary channel to show us more of what makes K6 tick! I’ve been playing a lot of Spelunky 2 lately besides from BL3 lol
I think any of the Arkham playthroughs would be awesome.
But if you like the slash genre try out darksiders 2 it's pretty great.
I love seeing you k6 playing other games to!
Love this game, been playing it non stop
K6, it is very satisfying to see you play different games. Please keep this going. Love ya 🙂
Absolutely love this game. Got 50+ hours into this one. Can't wait to see where your journey takes you! 😁
Hey K6, I don't wanna be that guy but could you make the game volume louder next time. At least the voices because everyone's dialog in the game is awesome.
The mirror isn’t stats
K SIX I started playing Hades around the same time I started watching you and my advice is get the shield and use your nectar on as many people as possible to get all the trinkets, these will open up early game
Well I just found this channel so yeah
I'm with ya k6!
I play this game to
Hey k6 for your next play through I would want to see you play darksiders 2 I loved the game and good job love the content
This is hard to watch, not because it’s bad just because I’m so used to seeing you play borderlands
Double the k6 is the best love you man keep up the great content and hope you never quit.
Awesome, more content from K6!
As much as I love Borderlands. Very happy to see something new coming from you. And you picked a great game. Keep up the great content
If you like this game, you'd love diablo
The channel rises like the phoenix but phantasy star online 2 when? PSO 1 also acceptable if you can find an emulator
Oooo, I've been wondering about this game for some time- and it already looks interesting- and you thought I wouldn't show up here because it's not Borderlands 3- well HA! I love any fun games, especially rogue-lites/rogue-likes! >:O
Also controller I'm guessing?
Is the audio muted or am I deaf
That'll do