Lang's Crew share why they are annoyed with Hades war and want to end it – NoPixel 4.0


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21 thoughts on “Lang's Crew share why they are annoyed with Hades war and want to end it – NoPixel 4.0”

  1. Why Hades is wack:

    TicTac, Louis and Cat are just hiding in the Fudge house as Cypress take their cars from the driveway and blow them up, they say they don’t want to go outside because they’ll get clapped.

    KJ tells Ilya that they don’t want to go out in a convoy because they don’t have 6.

    When Hades do have 6, they camp the Highway bends and look at cams the entire time, it’s arguably worse than traditional convoying. Highway Warriors for real.

    Meanwhile, Speedy and Locco were boldly 2v6’ing with guns and armour against a full squad of 6 shades.

    Hades dressing up as monkeys and using wrenches, they’re terrified of losing a gun during these times.

  2. 1. Cypress pusher Locco (who's a known shooter in other server which fellow gang members got banned) goes around every day trying to lootbox random people for guns, using random clothes and stolen cars, plus changes how he talks. Then 2 minutes after every robbery, changed clothes, car and voice.
    2. Locco robs people at the fence in Sandy (looking for guns), girl sells weed for Hades, doesn't have a gun, he steals her chop parts, she tells Hades.
    3. Half an hour passes, Locco changes completely, drives to paleto and kidnap and robs 2 Hades members (no guns again…Locco ain't happy), him and his friend steal a chopping device and Slime Shack food (THIS IS IMPORTANT) and Winter (who was sitting on the roof under where the kidnapping happened) sees and hears Locco and his friend, she's filipino aswell and previously talked to Locco, she recognized his voice, cause Locco FORGOT TO CHANGE IT (IMPORTANT).
    4. Hades gets told, goes hunting for a few mins, then meet up in Sandy to talk and Winter tells everyone that she thinks Locco might've been the one to rob them cause she recognized his voice.
    5. 15 seconds after Winter tells them, with insane timing, Locco drives 10 feet from them and tries selling chop parts to the fence (IN THE DAY, CHOPPING IS ONLY BEING ABLE TO BE DONE AT NIGHT), Winter recognizes Locco's fit and car so they all go check. Locco runs away as soon as they approach, then gets held up, his friend gets shot cause he got out of the car reaching in his pockets.
    6. Hades robs Locco and his friend, they find the chopping tool (whatever everyone could have one) and SLIME SHACK FOOD, which it would've been impossible for him to get cause SLIME SHACK WAS CLOSED THE WHOLE TSUNAMI AND THEY ONLY PREPARED FOOD FOR THEMSELVES THAT STORM. Winter also sees Locco's neck tattoo and finds it the same as one of the guys had during the kidnapping.

    They then ignore Hydra robbing them on their own block and shooting them down and go to war with Hades cause they managed to catch the guy that robbed them randomly.

    During all of this, weird narratives about HotDog ID (WHAT HOTDOGS?) and meta accusation from Sayeed and Locco start getting thrown around, Speedy also goes OOC and calls Hades bunch of things that I won't comment on. Locco then stops streaming saying "I hope there's war tomorrow."

    The narrative about HotDog ID starts spreading around and NOBODY tries to ask Hades their side of the story or clarification about how they found out it was Locco, this also includes Buddha which even tries to ask about the Hades guy that ID'd Locco to ban him and keeps the weird ID narrative going.

    War starts, everything seems fine but big timezone difference (Cypress KNEW, Lang got told that they weren't around when Cypress was) and Cypress has 30 people with prio that wake up at the start of NA storm, meanwhile Hades can rarely have 2 (TicTac and KJ have some kind of prio).

    1 day passes and Donnie gets caught lacking, Niccorazi starts throwing around accousations and tries to get Steam IDs of Hades members to report them (MacGregor told Hades people from Cypress were at the moonshine spot, not that difficult).

    Benji and Ray find Liya outside the Cypress warehouse, interrogate her, she doesn't claim shit, she gets clapped, they find a book with members of Cypress on it (in reality it's Franks payouts but Hades don't know that), then the whole Yuno shitshow happens which is not even worth getting into, Benji and Ray basically ignored all the info that was written on the walls. Important thing is that Liya says she's A CLEAN PERSON. Hades obviously makes the connection clean person + standing in front of cypress warehouse = she's their warehouse owner, they tell Marlo who checks at the courthouse and they are found correct in their thoughts.
    Interesting thing is that, this Liya girl, when retelling the story to Speedy and Lang, makes it seem like they're meta gaming, basically making it sounds like she was caught in a random part of the city and only she's clean so they should have 0 reasons to connect her to that warehouse she was standing in front.

    Another day passes, only 2-3 6v6 fights happen, Hades in early NA only has few people so try to do fun missions to infiltrate Cypress, one goes well, 2 don't. Cypress starts accusing them of not waking up, hiding, being pussies not carrying guns.

    Then, after one guy from Hades went down attacking Franks (after Slime Shack got attacked in the AU storm), Cypress shoots them down right outside the hospital, after they saw them exiting from getting medical.

    Lang then tells Cypress to ocean dump every Hades member they see (why tho?), they catch Maxine lacking, then shoot him again right after he spent 30 minutes dead, then ocean dump him.

    After that, catch KJ and TicTac, burn them alive, leave them there for 1 hour, they then come backand bring them to the hospital (KJ ICUs).

    Then Lang decides he wants to end the war and tells Yuno to do it.

    Good shit.

  3. Wasnt around EU for Besties Not Around NA for this group what is the purpose of being a gang if you wake up when nobody is around I know there whole group isnt Australian, atleast back in the day Rust would be around EU.

  4. nah what's crazy is Hades even explaining on call to members of Cypress that they wait until a full 6 squad to roll out. meanwhile they'll go for solo people lacking and count that on their W scoresheet. 6 deep hunting speedy and loco for hours being proud of it LOL. they don't stand on their shit and the whole city thinks they're a joke. might as well try rebrand to Rustside at this point. great job RPing!

  5. feel like lang crew is mainly the abuterall bois. everyone else is so fresh to the city that they really just their to help w the business/income side of the crew

  6. Look I watched enough hades and they are TERRFIED of losing a fight or losing guns it’s actually sad.. The girl Cat Said “Yea Benji I 2v1d them and gained 2 glocks from them. Are you proud of me?” They praise people about shooting and not losing its lowkey kinda cringe

  7. The best war lang gang has had is with manor. There was none of this cat and mouse rubbish looking for each other and there was actual dialogue between the two of them and was some dumb sbs stuff that happened.

  8. Imagine starting a war with hades that they don't want to, the complaining, begging and crying to lang that they should just ban hades for not wanting to roll out without their main shooters 😂😂
    What a wierdo group

  9. And RIGHT before this Luciano was saying it might be better to just end it…Lang and Arush were like "Nah the boys are loooviiing it"………..The boys, in fact, were not loving it 😂😂 And Luc was right


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