Learn to CRUSH monsters with Zag Shield! | Hades

We continue our series of videos about each of the weapon aspects, starting with the ones I use the least. Here’s the Zagreus Shield

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Hades is a god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler that combines the best aspects of Supergiant’s critically acclaimed titles, including the fast-paced action of Bastion, the rich atmosphere and depth of Transistor, and the character-driven storytelling of Pyre.

BATTLE OUT OF HELL Now on XBOX and Playstation!
As the immortal Prince of the Underworld, you’ll wield the powers and mythic weapons of Olympus to break free from the clutches of the god of the dead himself, while growing stronger and unraveling more of the story with each unique escape attempt.

The Olympians have your back! Meet Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and many more, and choose from their dozens of powerful Boons that enhance your abilities. There are thousands of viable character builds to discover as you go.

A fully-voiced cast of colorful, larger-than-life characters is waiting to meet you! Grow your relationships with them, and experience hundreds of unique story events as you learn about what’s really at stake for this big, dysfunctional family.
New surprises await each time you delve into the ever-shifting Underworld, whose guardian bosses will remember you. Use the powerful Mirror of Night to grow permanently stronger, and give yourself a leg up the next time you run away from home.
Permanent upgrades mean you don’t have to be a god yourself to experience the exciting combat and gripping story. Though, if you happen to be one, crank up the challenge and get ready for some white-knuckle action that will put your well-practiced skills to the test.
The rich, atmospheric presentation and unique melding of gameplay and narrative that’s been core to Supergiant’s games is here in full force: spectacular hand-painted Underworld environments and a blood-pumping original score bring the Underworld to life.

Hades is designed for Early Access from the ground up. Join the conversation here or Supergiant’s official Discord server, and let our team know what you think of the game. We read 100% of player feedback, and each Major Update is heavily informed by it.

#hades #jawlesspaul #roguelike


4 thoughts on “Learn to CRUSH monsters with Zag Shield! | Hades”

  1. Argh ! Each time you passed on Low Tolerance, my heart sank a bit more…

    I find the trio boon Heart Rend for damage + Splitting Headache + Low Tolerance for more crit damages is actually one of the most busted trio boons of the game (especially with Nemesis (it's one of my go-to builds when I want a simple "check your brain out at the door" yet brutal build to erase everything in my way, daddy included).

    Since splitting headache works with the amount of stacked hangover you give to an enemy (1.5% per stack), and it's limited to 5 by default, adding 3 stacks of hangover (usually on either dash or call, for good measure) brings it to a total of 8 stacks, therefore 12% more chances to crit (btw, 8 stacks of hangover with Dio's call is busted).

    While it sounds like it's not much, when paired with Nemesis (base 30%) and a Deadly strike (+15%), that's nearly 60% crit chances !

    If you've added any attack damage with the shop or with Chaos, and get the right hammer, like double edge or earth splitting that gives you 90 base damage, or the 200% back damage, it's not rare to get north of 1000HP, if not 2000 of dps. At 60% chance, that's pretty damn broken !

    As for Zag's shield, I realized one build that work very well is, oddly enough, Athena's strike paired with the dashing wallop hammer, that transforms your dash strike in a massive running wall that deflects everything in its wake. And of course, since it's an Athena based strike, throwing in the back damage + either Merciful End or Deadly Reversal duos (or why not both) is par of the course.

  2. I think i just discovered a bug with Parting shot. I'm doing a Butterfly-Hestia run currently with the first Mirror-bonus on Green. I got Parting shot and Hestias Shots now display a "Backstab" when i hit Enemys from behind.

    Is this allready known? And is the 35% Bonus-Damage from the Dou actully there?

    If it's not known: it could be cause i got Bad News earlyer, wich is known to be bugged in the Sense that it's Castdamage Bonus is Global and thus Parting Shot might got added to Bad News.


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