Let's Play Hades Part 5 – Coronacht, the Heart-Seeking Bow

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Game Description:

Hades is a god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler that combines the best aspects of Supergiant’s critically acclaimed titles, including the fast-paced action of Bastion, the rich atmosphere and depth of Transistor, and the character-driven storytelling of Pyre.

As the immortal Prince of the Underworld, you’ll wield the powers and mythic weapons of Olympus to break free from the clutches of the god of the dead himself, while growing stronger and unraveling more of the story with each unique escape attempt.

The Olympians have your back! Meet Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and many more, and choose from their dozens of powerful Boons that enhance your abilities. There are thousands of viable character builds to discover as you go.

A fully-voiced cast of colorful, larger-than-life characters is waiting to meet you! Grow your relationships with them, and experience thousands of unique story events as you learn about what’s really at stake for this big, dysfunctional family.

New surprises await each time you delve into the ever-shifting Underworld, whose guardian bosses will remember you. Use the powerful Mirror of Night to grow permanently stronger, and give yourself a leg up the next time you run away from home.

Permanent upgrades mean you don’t have to be a god yourself to experience the exciting combat and gripping story. Though, if you happen to be one, crank up the challenge and get ready for some white-knuckle action that will put your well-practiced skills to the test.

The rich, atmospheric presentation and unique melding of gameplay and narrative that’s been core to Supergiant’s games is here in full force: spectacular hand-painted environments and a blood-pumping original score bring the Underworld to life.


“Hades is a one-of-a-kind rogue-lite that does a brilliant job of marrying its fast-paced action with its persistent, progressing story through a vividly reimagined Greek mythological underworld.”
9/10 – IGN

“Hades is one of the best roguelites of all-time.”
10/10 – TheSixthAxis

“It’s hard to imagine anyone other than Supergiant pulling off this Herculean feat with such style.”
9/10 – Destructoid


37 thoughts on “Let's Play Hades Part 5 – Coronacht, the Heart-Seeking Bow”

  1. The seeking arrow is really bad for Coronacht because the bow is all about that one shot or small burst.

    There are weapons and builds where the seeking arrows stack to an unholy degree.

  2. Athena's trial of the gods is a weird one — I'm not sure whether it actually damages you or not, but any of your enemies caught within its circle of effect gain a deflect shield for a couple seconds.

    I love artemis's call but individual arrows don't do a ton of damage — if you fire it off at full gauge it'll bring pretty much any boss down to one of their health gates though, I find. Plus it's VERY satisfying

  3. 17:00 Now that you have the Fated List, boons you haven't gotten yet will be marked. There's also an infographic explaining the boon trees on imgur somewhere, but you'll also unlock a list of boons in the Codex that lists reqs in game.
    1:03:39 Actually since you got the chain shot, there's 3 little seeking arrows per attack (assuming enough enemies). It was definitely the best upgrade to pick after getting Support Fire. Shotgunning an enemy with your special also fires a bunch of the little bastards.
    1:05:00 You already do plant your feet to cast 3 times. Hermes would allow you to do that with perfect timing and 20% faster. Also, none of Hermes' boons take up slots. He's not that kind of god. He's also not Icarus. 😛
    1:28:20 Athena's is the easiest Wrath. She makes the enemies invulnerable for a few seconds. I don't like pissing her off every time there's a choice, but her Wrath just isn't hard to deal with. Same with Artemis. I really hate pissing her off too, 'cause she's my waifu best girl 😛 but you can avoid her Wrath by standing still. Dionysus, Poseidon, and [spoiler Olympian you unlock by making it to the final boss for the first time] are the WORST.

  4. 8:14 The lounge only unlocks after 5 runs (successful or unsuccessful).
    13:35 Btw, the game has fishing spots, which become available after purchasing a Fishing Rod from the House Contractor. You can give the fish you catch to the Chef to get various items.
    28:18 Yeah, the Bone Hourglass increases the duration of items from the Well of Charon by +4/6/8 Encounters.
    38:16 Indeed, many people like using the bow's special as a "shotgun", but that's pretty risky (because you need to be at close range). There are builds focused on that, though: one I've seen is Aspect of Zagreus + Charged Volley (hammer) + Concentrated Volley (hammer) + Deadly Flourish (Artemis) + Clean Kill (Artemis).
    40:18 Yep, Daedalus invented and built the Labyrinth (used to imprison the Minotaur) for King Minos, but shortly after finishing it the king had Daedalus (and his son Icarus) imprisoned within it. In order to escape, Daedalus made him and Icarus wings made of feathers and wax. He warned Icarus to not fly too close to the sun, but Icarus ignored him and fell to his death.
    47:57 Athena's Divine Dash is definitely the best dash boon; it's always a good idea to pick it up.
    1:10:10 Yes, those hydra eggs hatched into enemies. The hydra has 4 variant options it can become after the player has killed it three times.
    1:15:10 Apparently "whenever the deflect is active (on dash, on attack, on special) and it encounters a projectile, the projectile will be sent 180° away from the angle that you deflected it from, causing damage to the first hostile enemy it collides with. If it encounters a melee attack while the deflect is activated, it automatically deals the damage back to the attacker".
    1:25:48 Athena occasionally makes enemies impervious in double boon rooms.

  5. It's been a while since I read some Greek mythology, but I could tell right away the developers did a lot more research beyond watching Disney's Hercules. I'd never heard of Zagreus before, so I wondered if they just made him up for the game, nope, he was an actual son of Hades and Greek God, albeit a somewhat obscure one. Fittingly enough, most of his myths involve him being killed and reborn.

    1:00:18 – Zeus can sometimes have nice moments, when he isn't trying to bang anything that isn't fast enough.

    1:18:00 – I don't approve of killing butterflies in real life, but there's an exception for magical murder video game butterflies.

    I agree with what others are saying, you're doing pretty good, maybe it's because the combat is similar to Diablo?

  6. You were on the money about your original assessment about Death Defiance vs Stubborn Defiance: DD is much better once you have multiple lives and if you can make it to the boss with all of them, but SD is better for room-to-room play. However, you didn't notice that Stubborn Defiance only has a single rank before its maxed. You will only ever get 30% health back from it. The other thing to consider is there are a few ways to restore a Death Defiance life during a run, which I will not spoil. So, it is possible to replenish DD whereas SD is always fixed at 1 per room. Another thing to keep in mind is that there are a couple of ways to increase you Cast number by +1. This also applies when you have Stygian Soul, meaning you can have 2 Casts that regenerate.

  7. The difficulty curve seems to be rolling along nicely, taking almost no damage in the first zone and far less in the second. Elysium I feel like is the part where it relies on knowing their patterns better since enemies have way more health or require you to kill them twice, so you can't just burst everything down and call it a room.
    You worked out pretty quickly the Pom in most scenarios is the worse choice, and its mainly a win-more mechanic where you have a difficulty-breaking combo where mini-increases to the numbers helps more than boons or extra hearts.

    Giant Butterfly Ball of Doom, aka the aptly named DPS test room, the difficulty entirely dependent on how fast you manage to kill it before you have to clean up all the shit it spawns.
    I hope you will piss off other gods in future trials, to get your list on which god is really the worst.

  8. Support fire is one of the strongest pure damage boons you can get if you have a fast-hitting weapon. For the base bow, it's most useful if you're spamming the special which can hit multiple times.

    – Athena's Trial of the Gods ability is she made the enemies invulnerable for short durations.
    – Hermes and the Hammer should always appear twice in a run. If you pass one it should be randomized to appear later (if possible), but you have to survive long enough to find it again.
    – Yes. Basically everyone HATES the butterfly challenge room (challenge rooms have the little skulls, are harder, often have a mini-boss, and the rewards are doubled. Either they give more stuff or the boons are of higher rarity guaranteed).
    – At some point the codex will also be able to tell you each boon of each god and it's prerequisites in a run. So Supergiant even thought of that problem and solved it for you.
    – Giving more than 1 nectar to characters is for lore/plot and you should plan to fill those heart meters eventually, but it will give you more stuff now if you just try to give one to every character first… Your preference really, as it won't matter much long term. At some point most people start swimming in nectar they get from trading gems for keys and keys for nectar (valuing plot over mostly cosmetic upgrades).

  9. Ah yes, the fabled Maidusa that the old myths talk so much about. At least her head's doing alright (if being turned into, effectively, an anime maid can be considered alright), what with all the decapitating she suffered at Perseus' hands.

  10. I'm still something of a scrub at this game (only escaped once so far) but Coronaught's special is easily the highest DPS I've gotten in the game when buffed. With a standard boon buff (god's respective status ailment + bonus damage) and the Daedalus hammer augments that give it 4 more shots and stack damage with each consecutive shot, you can melt anything (including bosses) in seconds if you get right up in their face. Super fun but it does feel pretty cheap.

  11. Bow special can be really good with certain boons. If you have any boon that puts very damaging secondary effect on it, like Ares' Doom, you can just spray enemies with it and get the effect to activate a bunch of times.

  12. Daedalus was Icarus' father and a famous inventor, who was hired by King Minos to design a labyrinth to contain his stepson (the Minotaur, a bastard of Poseidon) and then locked up in a tower along with his son because they were the only two persons who knew the labyrinth's layout. They kind of managed to make a half-arsed escape using mechanical wings and eventually some chap called Theseus used a ball of yarn to navigate the labyrinth, slew the minotaur, and they both became the boss of Level Three and lived happily ever after. It's all one big happy dysfunctional family down in Hades. 🙂

  13. Dark regeneration is better becose at max its 60%. And if you slay boss once that weapon give you next time darkness(exp) from this boss and not the typical reward. You can also get darkness from Infernal trove. And its a lot.

    Dont pick fight with zeus, afrodite and some… cold godess.

  14. God, reading these comments, it feels like I must be the only person in the world who likes to watch an LPer learn the details and strategies of a game on that game's own terms.

    I know Keith is pretty good at faking ignorance when he has more information than a completely blind player would have, but it's sad that I can't ever see a genuine discovery process happen on Youtube. That's the main draw of LPs to me, watching the player's thought process work and noticing how good games subtly communicate ideas to them


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