Let's play Hades with Lowko! (Ep. 1)

In this series of videos I play Hades. Hades is a rogue-like dungeon crawler. It’s a genre of games that I’ve not played much in the past. Since the game technically had no ending, I play until I beat the final boss of the game for the first time.

Hades playlist: http://lowko.tv/hades

My main YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/lowkotv
Lowko Merch: http://lowko.tv/merch

Be part of the community on Discord: http://discord.gg/lowkotv
The hardware setup I use: https://lowko.tv/setup/

#MoreLowko #LowkoTV #Hades



20 thoughts on “Let's play Hades with Lowko! (Ep. 1)”

  1. i took mythology class in like 7th or 8th grade. was an elective here in the US.. i would of thought nordic and greek mythology would be taught to people in netherlands. learned something new!

  2. really need to not have a button that disables subscriber announcements and messages until a time where your not playing the game cause its annoying as fk

  3. Dionysos is the god of wine, fertility, grapes, pleasure, madness and extasy, so basically the greek party god. If there is another Gamescom in the future and you visit Cologne, right next to the famous cathedral there is the Roman-Germanic museum, which they built on top of a large Roman mosaic dedicated to Dionysos with various depictions of fauns, dryads, etc. which I'd advise checking out, it's beautiful and largely intact. And the best thing is, they've built a large glass wall into the museum so everyone can check out the mosaic from outside, so you don't even have to pay the entrance fee if you don't have the money for it or you don't care about the other exhibits.


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