Making our blade rifts CHILLY and XXXL with Beowulf! /Hades v1.0/

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27 thoughts on “Making our blade rifts CHILLY and XXXL with Beowulf! /Hades v1.0/”

  1. ares blade rifts may not last long but they're actually doing similar damage to a high level dionysus cast (300+) on beowulf. look at the damage numbers against armored minotaur in elysium – 1200-1500 damage. also, you did 2754 damage in phase 3 after using hades keepsake to reinforce cast. i still prefer dio on beowulf especially with scintillating feast but i've never gotten vicious cycle on ares+beowulf. that would be super spicy.

  2. This type of build seems absolutely ruthless! Very nice! I'm only 33 hours into the game so there's still SO many build ideas I haven't tried, so seeing stuff like this blows my mind. Only beaten EM Dad once so far (w/ Chiron Bow) lol

  3. Coincidentally, I was running this exact build (was aiming for the Duo, but got shafted), but got the Ares Legendary. And I'd say, it does around 15%-20% more damage so I think it's worth it.

  4. Haelian do you have a guide, or pseudo guide, where you talk about how to introduce heat into your runs and what beginners should best start with, what's good for certain weapons, etc? Any help appreciated and would love to see some of that content if possible!

  5. OOF I'm never doing blade rifts on Beowulf. They're way too short holy smokes. I'm just really not a fan of this cast. The other day I tried to do a hunting blades run with Poseidon sword, and once I went through all of my Aries and Artemis boons without getting hunting blades, I just suicided. I knew I couldn't kill Hades without it


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