My favorite duo boon making Blitz pop OFF. | Hades 2

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22 thoughts on “My favorite duo boon making Blitz pop OFF. | Hades 2”

  1. As someone who absolutely hates cheese, I think smoked gouda is really good. It doesn't have the cheese smell I hate and it's nutty and flavorful. Get the good one.

  2. American cheese is what most people first cheese is so if she doesn’t like cheese she probably got that from eating American cheese or something. IMO try a type of cheese that taste very different from the normal cheese like American or cheddar that everyone has tasted. You mentioned Brie cheese but I think that would be a great idea. It’s sweet which makes it different from normal cheese and pairs great with fruits like apple. I like to eat it in a sandwich with sliced apples in it and turkey.

  3. I mean, for all the dislike towards the Blood, it didn't stop working for a moment, even despite all the pathing through empty rooms.
    When your build just runs around in a vulnerable state to work to its full DPS, you kinda could use a thing like that.
    Sure, this build also had some moon water, so maybe it didn't seem important, but it still was doing work.

  4. Initially I live the asphodel thing but now it’s a little annoying, mostly because we have to stay in a circle. I think it would be more fun if we just had to fight the enemies

    Edit: I didn’t know you can stay outside of circle lol

  5. You want a soft easy cheese: go with Manouri. I guess it's probably kinda hard to find it over the pond, esp. some semblance of the real deal. But try, it, it's simple, not salty, not especially tangy, no acidity, nothing. It's creamy and foamy and you can easily use it as a complement to a salad (not Greek salad though, Greek salad demands one cheese only and that's feta!).

  6. maybe im crazy but isn't the chaos magik regen wayyyyy better than a total magick increase? cos you can easily get +50 magick just by playing through mourning fields without even aiming for it, whereas all the magick regen boons have some kind of awful drawback which makes the chaos version so superior, AND the chaos one stacks with any other regen boon you get

  7. If they were to nerf possessed array, I think the best option were to make it cost magick if you have it, or five it an internal cooldown.

    The problem with possessed array is that it really doesn't have a drawback like some of the other broken hammers do. Sure, not every hammer has a drawback, but almost all of the broken ones do. The only drawback it has is dependent on what kind of build you have going. Also, I'm pretty sure possessed array doesn't get anything from boons, so there is no way of making it better… like it needed it. They could do the whole pickup thing like they had before, but I don't think they'd take something out, only to then double back on it and bring it back. Maybe decreasing the amount of shells you have by one? It wouldn't be a tremendous nerf and the second hammer could bring it to former glory, so maybe decreasing your max ammo could be the better option.


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