NEW Hades-inspired action roguelike with GIANT bosses | Knight vs Giant

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14 thoughts on “NEW Hades-inspired action roguelike with GIANT bosses | Knight vs Giant”

  1. Gameplay is great. Definitely added to wishlist. So many good games out lately. Been hooked on BlazBlue Entropy Effect and Summum Aeterna so I have no idea where I am going to have the time to play anything else!

  2. Looks really chill and fun. The way you can go back to areas to like how fountains work is cool, it could be used for other things too that maybe you’d want to save and go back to at certain times. Like areas that help in other ways than health.

  3. It seems like the lightning would feel better if the cooldown reset after finishing a chamber. Since you could just sit there and wait anyway, they should just have it always be available at the beginning of a combat

  4. Am going be grinding money and i notice the knights level up for your run. You have to talk with the blacksmith and he will level up your knights. Also if you do more runs you will meet the character that lets you build your city. It cost money to build so am going just do alot of runs till the game comes out. Also its on switch as well. I also been enjoying the Silent Hope demo and going grind my city levels as well till the game comes out in 10/3/23.


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