Get Hades II:
Battle beyond the Underworld using dark sorcery to take on the Titan of Time in this bewitching sequel to the award-winning rogue-like dungeon crawler.
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#HadesII #Part39
Ooo more Hades.
Yay! More Hades!!
everyday i'm watching these for lunch please continue it's so good
Absolutely dumpstering this game XD
The question I had in mind since they released the early access, will Zagreus also be a playable character after you save the family? I think that would be super cool!
'Maybe you have to talk to Hecate about Hecuba the Black Hound…? It's only a guess, 'though…
That was so much damge!!!
The posiden money boon gave u 120% extra damge than haphestus gave u 30% to add to the strength 25% plus cast damge %50 orgnitaion which u were proking on cronus for another 39% and probobly way more that im forgeting u get so much damge
I love that the game gives ya toys that encourage ya to play without extra lives but I don't know how to feel about that when the endgame bosses have moves that deal 150 or 1000 damage where those extra lives really matter
MORE 🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰
Chaos does spawn on the olympus route, but shows up way more frequently on the underworld route, if you go to the end on a run, you're pretty much guaranteed a portal, and with Charon's pool you can easily get 3 in a run
15:25 that was a smooth combo, i did the poggers face 😲 also was that a perfect hecate fight? holy hell, you are immediately in the god mode, you reminded me again why i like to watch you play rogues
yo, dude just routinely perfecting the bossfights left and right
How can partner animals be upgraded?
Please play Dark Hunting Ground some time. Feels a little like Path of Exile. It's pretty cool.
Thanks for taking my suggestion man! Glad you liked the setup
I have a great starting loadout suggestion for you: All the cards along the right side plus strength and divinity. Take a look, it is the best one for the final boss which is where people tend to have the most trouble.
Dang, I thought yesterday's damage was silly. This was something else.
ps the cast skull skill that should do 200 was doing 460, meaning you had over 2x damage at a base. Essentially like having a common boon on everything+ your actual build.
"Don't lose your head out there" that made me laugh haha. I like that the devs slipped that little joke in there
I have never seen this much dps in 100 runs.