New Strength Card is a Game Changer! | Hades II: The Olympic Update

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Battle beyond the Underworld using dark sorcery to take on the Titan of Time in this bewitching sequel to the award-winning rogue-like dungeon crawler.

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#HadesII #Part39


19 thoughts on “New Strength Card is a Game Changer! | Hades II: The Olympic Update”

  1. That was so much damge!!!
    The posiden money boon gave u 120% extra damge than haphestus gave u 30% to add to the strength 25% plus cast damge %50 orgnitaion which u were proking on cronus for another 39% and probobly way more that im forgeting u get so much damge

  2. I love that the game gives ya toys that encourage ya to play without extra lives but I don't know how to feel about that when the endgame bosses have moves that deal 150 or 1000 damage where those extra lives really matter

  3. Chaos does spawn on the olympus route, but shows up way more frequently on the underworld route, if you go to the end on a run, you're pretty much guaranteed a portal, and with Charon's pool you can easily get 3 in a run

  4. 15:25 that was a smooth combo, i did the poggers face 😲 also was that a perfect hecate fight? holy hell, you are immediately in the god mode, you reminded me again why i like to watch you play rogues
    yo, dude just routinely perfecting the bossfights left and right

  5. I have a great starting loadout suggestion for you: All the cards along the right side plus strength and divinity. Take a look, it is the best one for the final boss which is where people tend to have the most trouble.


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