Occult Literature 341: Cerberus, the Dog of Hades


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34 thoughts on “Occult Literature 341: Cerberus, the Dog of Hades”

  1. 4 alternate reasons for existence, maybe 5 for Cerberus
    1. cosmic rays induced mutations
    2. deep earth radioactive elements released by volcanic eruptions
    3.malicious intervention by 4th dimensional humanoids
    4. chimeras from pre-history alchemist directed genetic manipulation
    5. that there was actually such a entity that exists whose sole purpose was simply to guard the gateway towards Hades and thwarting illegal unauthorized entry.(aka a type firewall, antivirus protection)

  2. Styx I really do love your Occult videos. They’re very interesting and you are very informed. Thanks so much 🙏🏻 I have been watching you for a long time now and you’re definitely my favorite content creator. Thank you again for what you do 🙏🏻

  3. "The Hound of Hell", eh! Mythology, demonology are powerful contributors to narrative formation! Using them at all, though, takes you ever deeper into the rabbit hole of spiritual apperception narrative. Stories, which is what "narratives" are, transmit cultural values from one generation to the next. Mythological figures epitomize, illustrate…embody human characteristics which, for various reasons, must be socially addressed. Instantiation in cultural norms follows straightaway. Everyone sees the truth of the myth in terms of his own nature: he recognizes, in the viciousness of Cerberus, his own viciousness. It's how society, the collective, comes to grips with its membership, the individual…sometimes the "grip" is a stranglehold…to which the individual may respond, uh, VICIOUSLY…hahaha…"Today, in myth class, we learned how to be vicious!"

  4. Hi Styx, Could you do some content based on ancient Sumerian religion and how much they advanced human civilisation? Ive heard that the SumeroAkkadianBabylonian culture consisted of mostly awful tyrannies where the peasant classes lived in abject poverty lauded over by a military class, then scribes and lawyers, then the aristocratic families and finally the kings family and then gods beyond them. You can see how a monotheistic benevolent god that you could have a personal relationship with would've seemed preferable to those distant, fickle and seemingly ambivalent polytheistic ones. It's a fascinating time. Then of course Sargon moved things on again. You are probably ending up in Islamic times till the poor were even considered to be able to be upwardly mobile by virtue of their own merit and talents.

  5. One of my favorite k-9's in mythology besides Cerberus is Anubis(Ancient Greek) other known as Anpu(Ancient Egyptian). A black jackel dog in most portrayals. I'm surprised Styx did not mention him. Because Anubis also guards the dead like Cerberus. As always Styx finds the most interesting reading material.

  6. I always enjoyed the etymological theory that Cerberus was derived from Sanskrit 'karbarah' or 'sabalah' used in regard to one of the dogs of Yama, means 'spotted'. So Cerberus (Grk Kerberos) basically translates to "Spot." It's almost too good to verify.

  7. I won’t say definitively “ancient aliens,” styxeroo, but I’m willing to bet, given that our 2nd and 3rd chromosomes are fused together at the telomeres, (unlike the other great apes) we are an engineered species.
    I won’t even say it’s aliens flying the UFOs in that released naval footage…because you don’t get a better protected fortress of a continent than Antarctica, made frozen by the Roaring Forties ocean currents swirling around it

  8. There are simple truths that are culturally assumed to take on greater meaning. Early cultures began developing burial spaces. What did they discover when returning to dispose of the newly dead?
    Scavengers, carrion birds and notably dogs had disturbed the grave settings. Perhaps simply seeking a ready meal, or perhaps they released the souls of the newly dead from their corporeal prisons and escorted the them into the world beyond the limits of our flesh.


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