I LOVE THE HADES SOUNDTRACK SO MUCH!!! I am so ready for Hades 2 to come out… But until then, I hope that y’all will enjoy Out Of Tartarus with some extra drums! The timing in this track is so crazy and so much fun to play along with!
Drumming To – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqFaCDvHxU4
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🧡 TIP DIRECTLY! – https://streamlabs.com/the8bitdrummer/tip
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Thank you so much for watching!
God bless! Take care! ROCK ON!!!
How did this get recommended to me 13 seconds after he uploaded it??
I love your video and Hades game
We need a stream purely on Hades soundtracks!
okay, not "we", just I xD
Bisexual: The Roguelite
Nice 👍🏽
what is that rhythm, jeez. i love it
Man, I had to look up the sheet music for this and the time signatures on this are bonkers! 9/8 alternating with 6/8 with 11/8 and 2/2 thrown in also.
I’m getting “Salmon Run in Alabama” vibes from this. Must be the time signature.
More Hades please
we meeting persephone with this one🔥🔥🔥
the beat!!love it
Where were the warrior grunts on the track?
I’m so happy you’re finally getting the recognition you deserve!! Your skill, personality, passion and in general your bubbly personality is so fun to watch! :3
32 heat run is nice dude
All hail the king of Drumming
What a tricky beat. Well played.
The fact he's able to play along such a tricky beat is CRAZY
Please do A.B.A’s theme, ‘Symphony’ I’m BEGGING! Also this is amazing lol
Good drumming! I am planning to get a new kit, could you share the details of yours?
req: kobo help
YEAHHHHHH DUDE 🤘 I feel like Scrounge of the Furies is Meg's theme or Out of Tartarus