Persephone and Hades – A Mother’s Rage
This is the tale of Persephone and Hades, but also about Demeter, the gods and the seasons. Told by Persephone, Demeter and Hades himself, we explore the events that lead to the relationship between Hades and Persephone forming.
Also a lesson about the seasons, and how the myths explain natural phenomena in the world.
But also about the power that worship and prayer hold…
Living Mythology is an attempt to entertain, relax and educate all in the one place. We are trying to forge narratives so that people can experience the religions and mythologies of the world as they were meant to be. Not as dry academic monoliths, but as living breathing tales and parables as experienced by the peoples who worshipped these beings, in an attempt to make sense of their own lives and the world around them.
This channel is in its infancy, so we hope to improve and develop it as we gain more experience.
All of the tales are taken from very conflicting traditions across many centuries, so there will be many a moment when decisions need to be made to create a more cohesive narrative. If we present something that seems to be in contrast to details, rest assured we have researched many forms of the traditions and come to the conclusions we have done to form the videos.
There will NEVER be total agreement on any of these narratives due to the history and differing ways they developed over the centuries.
These videos are for entertainment and an easy gateway to the subject. If you wish more academic details then please direct your attention to the wide source material and others who perform those types of academic video essays.
Narrated by : Baldermort
Written, Narrated and edited by: Lightbringer
I love this story:)
I'm gonna dread waiting until work tomorrow to listen to this. I was honestly worried you wrapped up the Greeks with the typhon "closing"
Complete art my friends
You guys are an amazing storytelling team
I was waiting for this one, beautiful story.
Beautiful story, fab narrative x
This is one of those myths that’s so interesting to see how people look at. From more modernizations, to deep dissections of it (how much is it Hades fault, how much Zues, so on). I am eager to see your take on it.
I absolutely love the way you guys tell these stories. You make them come alive in a way I've not seen before. I've always loved Pursephone, this, and his taking over the underworld, makes me love Hades as well.
This one was a hard listen. I felt for Hades…
You truly are your fathers daughter. Very well done Lightbringer…there's not much left for Lord Baltemort to teach you. Your inflection is perfect for creating comedy and tenderness while he is the master of using inflection to create suspense and conflict. How about some Sumrian mythology in 2024? Love you both!!!!
This was Wonderful
One of the most interesting stories from Greek mythology. Thank you for bringing this story to life for us.
Can you do a video about Adnis, Aphrodite and Persephone?
I have long awaited the telling of this Tale by you two, and i am so glad it has funally arrived….
It is said by some, that Kore said unto Her Mother" Why would i return with you, for i am content. Hades is a good and loving husband, he does not shame Me with a roving gaze anove i am but your Daughter, here i am Queen, and my Husbands kingdom never shall pass away, dor all xome ro it eventually…"
I can’t wait to listen to this one
Thank you once more for the incredible production
Great job on this story. It puts a completely different spin on what happened between Hades and Persephone. Not quite a victim, but a willing participant.
I love this version. Thank you
Here I was thinking the Greek Saga was over. Sir Baldermort And Lady Lightbringer, this was another fantastic piece of mythology brought to life. And Hades! He looked so good! The facial animations are looking awesome 😎 Looking forward to more fantastic work as you have always done, and looking forward to seeing your channel get the recognition it deserves 😎
I was surprised when this story wasn't told during your initial greek myth run, but i knew eventually you guys would do it. ❤
You did the lore proud. I have been waiting for this ever since Hades in the Underworld, and you don't disappoint. I can't wait for the next one.
One of my favourite myths! Excellently done! Would love to see the myth of Io.
Yay! So excited to watch the new video. Just got all tucked in a comfy, let’s get it!
The various interpretations of this narrative are fascinating. From further updates to thorough analyses of it. Your thoughts on it are much anticipated.
The narration is formidable and a joy to listen to (´ ∀ ` *)
demeter would be Gais granddauggter, not daughter
Is it mè or does Demeter talking head looks like Catelyn Stark from game of thrones lol
Also i usually only listen to these but I decided to watch a bit of this one and saw the eerie talking heads. I guess we can welcome Living Mythology to the Uncanny Valley 😂
A perfect way to end the weekend, thank you Lightbringer!
Demeter is the epitome of a possessive controlling mother. Her unwillingness to let her daughter go is the exact thing that drove her away. Of course, Persephone still loves her, but she longs to live her own life. And in typical possessive parent fashion, Demeter makes it everyone else's problem and refuses to relent until she gets her way. I love how you told this tale. I love the interpretation that Hades is a proud and noble king, and Persephone is his beautiful, regal and fair Queen. They have a real genuine bond, and even Demeter cannot break that. As always, keep up the wonderful work.
Yours Truly
Nice one LB!
Honestly, the greek stories are my favorite but THIS is some of your best work ❤❤❤
Thanks for this Lightbringer and Mr. B. As always a pleasure. As ever greetings from Kilkenny on this Monday morn.
I honestly just discovered your channel 2 weeks ago and loving it. I love mythology in itself but particularly Greek. Your doing great job. Bit of advice. I like Norse but finish Greek as it's more popular outside of Thor of course lol. Keep up great work