Planet Coaster | Mythica Part 29 | Hades is here…

Welcome to Mythica, a myth based themepark. This week we’ll start theming on the horror heights attraction Hades. This ride will tell a story of it’s own which also involves Aigaion. Theming this will get quite difficult as I’ve placed it partly under ground plus the paths and track of Aigaion intertwine there. Time for a challenge..

Hades (Horror Heights Ride)
A lot of stories and Myths have already been told and you’ve explored like a true Librarian. However there are places that even the Librarians don’t dare to go. At the base of one of the many towers there is a secret doorway leading to a set of stairs. The Librarians don’t recall building this and the strange noises coming out of it’s depths terrified everyone.

The ones that were brave enough to explore never returned. It is believed by some that Hades has taken residence and is planning the demise of The Library and all of mankind. It are these tunnels that feed the rumor of Aigaion being helped by Hades trying to escape.

Whatever the case is The Librarians need to know what is happening down there so that they can take the right precautions and prevent any malevolent activity to come to fulfillment. Take down the stairs into the depths and identify everything that is happening down there.

The Librarians have made a device which fits into your pocket and can be activated at any given time. Do stand back once activated cause it will increase its size greatly enabling you to get on board. Hold on as the device will make its way through the earth and bring you back to the surface.

If it is Hades find out what his plans are. But be warned. The Librarians also brought Persephone into this world and if he knows he will be furious. Proceed with caution cause he won’t let you see the light of day ever again.






Mythica Playlist:

Qadira Playlist:



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