And this song finds it's way back to me and now it's stuck again but yup. Though seeing it in persephone and hades singing it…. Yeah definitely the right couple for that.
Is Hades supposed to be bad because he’s actually a good guy the only thing that he’s done bad is stolen Persephone And cheated on her that’s literally all he’s done that is bad
Ok I know you have like 1mil but your still so underrated. Like you have so much skill and your just posting TikTok’s and shorts? No way you deserve a movie roll
You make good vid but please don’t use the name “Persephone “ bc that’s my rude ex friends more like fake friends name she would make all the problems and blame it on me and called me ugly and called me a “bish” and was bullying me and dropped me bc I just replied to her with capital letters “I’m truly sorry if this is to much”
What is this from
Y his face sideways like head was straight but face was to da left
I recognize this song but I can't place it. Where is it from??
Pov: your name is Adele 😅
And this song finds it's way back to me and now it's stuck again but yup. Though seeing it in persephone and hades singing it…. Yeah definitely the right couple for that.
I burn
I burn
I BURN! 🔥 🔥
I can't tell if this is her real voice or the sound
Greek mythology is so cool but so werid I mean HADES MARRIED HIS NIECE (please correct my spelling I if I spelled something wrong)
This plots seems a lot like the first season of Bridgerton
What is this audio?
Hades is loyal AF to Persephone and it's beautiful
So good
It would have been perfect if instead of “you kissed me in the maze” they had written “you gave me that fruit one day”
What is this from pls tell me I need to know. ❤❤
You are perfect for each other
this is probably the best one yet
Is Hades supposed to be bad because he’s actually a good guy the only thing that he’s done bad is stolen Persephone And cheated on her that’s literally all he’s done that is bad
Are you and Stuart freinds in real life?
Ok I know you have like 1mil but your still so underrated. Like you have so much skill and your just posting TikTok’s and shorts? No way you deserve a movie roll
Is this bridgerton sound or sm
Hey Kay do you think you could do some thing with Persephone and Hades and using the myth of minte
Love this recently learned this she did amazing 🤩
Can you please do Hestia next
this sounds like Brigerton
Love the song
You make good vid but please don’t use the name “Persephone “ bc that’s my rude ex friends more like fake friends name she would make all the problems and blame it on me and called me ugly and called me a “bish” and was bullying me and dropped me bc I just replied to her with capital letters “I’m truly sorry if this is to much”
Is this lyrics from bridgerton lines
This is funny
You definitely have what it takes to become a professional actress one day!!
Gay Panic! 😳
I literally got chills from this
😳 bisexual panick…