Queen Mother || Hades #3

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Let us play the thirsty mythology roguelike game where everyone is hot, the protagonist is moody, dad is passive-aggressive and god dammit I totally DODGED THAT THIS IS BULLSH** okay one more run, just one more run, I’ll get it this time!



30 thoughts on “Queen Mother || Hades #3”

  1. This was recorded over one six-hour session because, well, it's a really good game and I got sucked in. I know the in-game volume is a bit low, but I can't fix it until, uh, several weeks from now. Sorry!

  2. couldn't figure out why Skyen thought the titan blood trade was a good idea lol.
    then i remembered the game hasn't explicitly explained the bounty mechanics yet, nor can he see the full exchange rates

  3. Isn't our narrator Hades, in the future, telling of when his son almost destroyed everything by [redacted]? I'm not waving my guess out in the air until it's fully confirmed or debunked, but I'm… FAIRLY confident it's what I think it is. But… really, isn't it Hades doing the talking? 😛

  4. "Sisyphus wasn't that bad."

    Thanatos, furiously trying to contain his anger at being locked in a box for a month.

    Persephone, incredibly upset of her kindness being taken advantage of.

    All of the people he murdered, groaning in annoyance.

    Yeah, gonna have to disagree there lol

  5. I heard a theory that references to non-consensual sexual acts by the Greek gods were actually a mistranslation of "elope" – something about how having sex with a woman without marrying her was akin to theft in ancient times from the males who host her, like her father or her husband. So Hades didn't ravish Persephone but rather eloped with her, and this was translated as a great crime, from an ancient perspective where seducing a woman meant stealing her from a man because no woman really stood on her own then. It would also make a few other stories a lot less overwhelmingly evil, just somewhat evil – like Poseidon eloping with that one woman, who a goddess would then turn into Medusa because she slept with him, rather than because she got ravished by him.

    But again that's just a theory I heard.

  6. Something interesting about Chaos, imo, is that , in mythos much like in this game, it seems that even for the Olympian Gods , who are undoubtedly immensely powerful and don’t seem to care about anything much aside from themselves, Chaos seems to pose something mysterious or unknowable – something to be feared, even. in a way I’d say they seem to appear even to the gods much like the eldritch gods appear to humans in cosmic horror stories.

    An other interesting thing is that even in science – be it the ancient philosophies of the stoics (whose theories on creation are imo really interesting) or modern astrophysics and quantum mechanics – in most cases Chaos still seems to be seen as THE original state or being. The thing that everything sprung from and everything will return to, eventually.
    (In modern science probably best represented by the law of entropy, stating that order is much harder to achieve and maintain than just giving in to chaos, and that chaos is the natural state everything strives to in the end – something everyone who ever had to clean up a mess can attest to – explaining why things break very easily but can hardly (if at all) be put together again. )

    Great video btw! Love those tidbits about mythology (Greek or otherwise) – they’re super interesting to hear about!

  7. Y'know, Sisyphus is a real charmer in this game, and very likeable. Thing is, though, with his canon actions that earned him his eternal punishment, he's almost assuredly laying on the charm to butter Zagreus up to get himself free again. After that, he's liable to dump Zag in a way that earns him all the blame and all the trouble that goes with it. If he was smarter, he'd stay on Zag's good side, so he can repeatedly help him escape on his many trips out of Tartarus.


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