QUINTUPLE DUO BOONS! A truly ultimate build for the aspect of Eris. | Hades

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20 thoughts on “QUINTUPLE DUO BOONS! A truly ultimate build for the aspect of Eris. | Hades”

  1. Currency in games takes one of 3 forms for me
    Eaither I call them by their name, such as ruppees or elixir
    However when I dont call it by its name, it gets called eaither coins or dollars, depending on the currency

  2. I often wondered how good a build like this would be if you went for the call instead. Like imagine replacing artemis with zeus so you get the smoldering air duo boon, and have the call regularly for huge hangover damage.

  3. i think the reason the switch caught fire the way it did is because by the time it came out nintendo hadn't done a true console in years. the biggest thing about the wii u was that it was more handheld than console but failed at being both effectively. the switch is a fairly decent, non-expensive console that can also be used as a handheld.

  4. Nintendo has never really missed on their handhelds. Even the 3DS was way more successful than a vast majority of consoles ever made. Also they don't have to split dev resources any more between machines.


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