Reggie tells Benji, Fifi is having trouble gaining respect from other Hades members | Nopixel RP

Nopixel 4.0 GTA-RP


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9 thoughts on “Reggie tells Benji, Fifi is having trouble gaining respect from other Hades members | Nopixel RP”

  1. fifi before becoming a LT was saying she wouldn't respect tic tac if he got the promotion and was ready to full on 'crash out' when tic tac got promoted….changed her tune when she was also promoted but it's funny that she's now experiencing with other members what she told marlo she was going to do to tic tac lol you gotta earn the respect from members and not just expect it like she's been doing

  2. Mona reaches out to everyone, hence the mutual respect they have for her. Fifi just needs to do the same but that seems to be out of the characterโ€™s comfort zone ๐Ÿค”


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