So, my wrist is not doing well at the moment and this one for whatever reason it decided go into some spasm. I now need to really take care of it and not play man serious games. I’m going to a doctor next week so hopefully things get better.
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Ra played that really great
Kiluminati’s Ra 💪🏻
That game was insane, u played admirably bravo
Man they really need to tone down the 'under attack' alerts…
i enjoy so much watching u man well played
Beautifully played. I would be proud to play like that even losing. Its frustating, i know, but be glad you are that good in this game. Great game.
really nice defense around 15min and on Boit
Su contrincante fue la IA , hackeo para hacer parecer que tuvo alguna batalla con otro rival humano, fake player
This is why i prefer noob games. Playing like this is to high intensity. Stress and headache bait.
Its very impressive i like to watch but i just couldnt do it
Can someone tell me how he do that TC (Town Center) select without clicking? What a good short cut
I do not undestand how did he lose this game, everything looked good, he pushed the right TC and attacked the market but anyways lost? Can someone explain as I am not that good in this game. It just feels like he was doing more damage but in the end lost.