I’m just showing Hades Alone gacha~
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I had alone in 300 pull
60 invocações pra 21 fragmentos e nenhum S
Nice vid!! 👍👍
Vale la. Pena gastar 700 gemas?
13:40 Alone!
I got alone with 300 sumons lucky for me
Hades S L O A N
Makin lama drop ratenya makin gila yah, mau isi diamond jg jatuhnya mahal bgt.. 600k cm dpt 120an SH.. lama2 player bisa2 pensiun semua
Shafted again wtf is wrong with this game bruh
Arewzo! Dont forget to keep ressources for Albebaran DC!
I just deleted my account thanks to the crappy banners. ahha pull 750 invocations. only 3 S. and the other 3 for the 200 invocations. the game is already very P2W. they no longer make you want to continue playing.
I got Alone 1 multi draw i so lucky
10 sh, thanks tencent
How the world are u guys getting so many summon thingies D:
I gacha 300 advanced gens and i Win 80 fragments on the Alone .
i really dont understand your video tittle…. 900 gems, will i get alone?? of course you will, if not for summons for fragments you will get one with 900 gems.. so why the silly tittle? lol make me laught some, good silly one
Man you got so unlucky, so few S and just one SS/EX
Arewzo do you have any tricks with summons?
Got him with 20 summons. left him at 1345 too. I have no more books. I will need to wait for PVE Melee to get the rest.
Alone EX is strong in 1-4-5-5
Later we Will see Arewzo fucking people more than usual xD
He seems quite complex. The mechanics are not fully clear. We should see him in action
Bruh how do u get that much draws and diamonds pls anyone yell me
550 gems and didnt get him
OMG Bad luck bro 😓👍❤️