Note: Our timer says 14:30 at the end but time does not officially start until you gain movement of Zag (I started the timer at Begin Escape), thus why we subtracted 7 seconds. Still WR as of this upload date but it might not appear on for a bit because there is a backlog of runs to be verified still.
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TI-NY VER-MIN clap clap clapclapclap
I'm confused, if it's any% why does he have 15 heat on? Wouldn't it be faster to play with 0 heat?
Dude, 60 hours work week? WTF? That is not humane. Good for you that you got out.
That is crazy bro really crazy
Nice, I just did 15:00 with Beowulf a while ago
When the video itself is 17 minutes you know it's gonna be crazy.
Holy shit, even the comment section bots are impressed with your run!
What was the 2nd hammer you were looking for?
Good stuff
we can't loose!
it’s insane watching you slice through enemies like butter when i’m struggling with 20 heat lmao 😂
Epic run dude.
Great work bud.
hydrolic might and it would have been incredible !
I'm here lovin it…but im noticing 560 likes and 1 dislike…who the actual fuck is that 1 person xD
Holy crap man! That was so fast! That was amazing!
You may have been fortunate to an extent, but you said it yourself, you and your wife worked your tails off to where you could make the decision to go full-time. You've earned your success and we're happy for you.
How did that special deal so much damage? That was insane though, good job on the run!
Keep doing hades content please 🙂
very nice!
I started speedrunning hades the other week and I'm having so much fun with it
Nice job, Congratz!
Oh hey, I got one of the subs he gave away on this stream. It was 151 if I remember correctly.
Wtf, why so much dmg?
Don't sacks ruin it for speed running? I'm all for rng in runs but that last part seems like it would just make it not fun, especially since it's at the end.
Why run at heat 15?
Getting Thanathos AND Tiny vermin and still getting IRL timer WR? My man you are insane
the how.